This is the entry way to the brothel, in which you pick your prostitute.
  • This is the entry way to the brothel, in which you pick your prostitute.

Over the weekend, Bleeding Cool shined their spotlight on Marvel Brothel, a role playing game in which you play Professor Xavier, who has decided to start a brothel to improve human-mutant relations.

From a review of the game:

The setup for this game is simple. Instead of making war against other mutants to help mankind. Prof. Xavier decides to make love to humans to help mankind. It's a simple message really, make love not war. Of course being the pimp he is Xavier needs to make it a profitable business in order to attract the excuisite clientele needed.
It would have been nice if the game had had more interactivity with the girls. Perhaps some unique lines during certain plot points or similar. But I guess that's just stuff that would have been icing on the cake. The gameplay works but sometimes there feels like there just isn't enough fluff around it.

Since I mentioned gameplay I should probably get to that. The game is structured into workdays where your girls work and you get loads of cash. Each client has a set of demands that need to be met if he's to end up a satisfied customer.

The internet is full of many things.