A commenter on today's "SL Letter of the Day" accuses me of favoring questions from non-monogamous readers over those from "happily monogamous" readers in order to advance my pernicious pro-adultery agenda. Setting aside the fact that people who are happily partnered—monogamously or not—aren't going to write me seeking advice, the record clearly demonstrates the accusation to be groundless and without merit. Here are the last ten SLLOTDs:

1. Non-Monogamous (But One Partner Might Be Happier In a Monogamous Relationship).

2. Monogamous (But Husband Cheating).

3. Presumably Monogamous (But Deeply Creepy).

4. Monogamous.

5. Monogamous (But Raped).

6. Presumably Monogamous (And Deeply Offended).

7. Monogamous.

8. Monogamy Not Relevant.

9. Non-Monogamous (But One Partner Might Be Happier In a Monogamous Relationship).

10. Monogamy Not Relevant (But Letter From a Lesbian and Lesbians Are Likelier to Be Monogamous Than Gay Or Straight Readers).

Where can you find the happily-and-not-happily monogamous? Right here, fairly represented, and lovingly tended to, by yours truly. The full SLLOTD archives are here.