And if you want to ride a bike in this city, you better get used to 'em. That's why bordello holes asks:

"What are some tips that will improve my hill-climbing abilities?"

There have already been a whole bunch of different suggestions. Here are just a few excerpts:

"Find a group that you like to ride with and start going on rides. It will build up your strength and endurance, even if it's not a racer..."

"Approaching it the right way will help immensely. Before you get to the bottom of the hill, think about your speed and how you will best carry your momentum onto the incline. Coming into a climb at a good pace will help you climb more efficiently and will get you up and over the top faster."

"What helped me the most was to surrender myself to the hills and embrace them as wonderful. Hills are beautiful, and I am lucky to have opportunity to climb them on my bicycle. Sure, they make me slower and make me tired, they exacerbate my hunger and make me sweaty, but they are massive and powerful. "

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