
Yesterday I posted about an I, Anonymous submission I'd set aside for Mothers Day and then lost.

My secret dream that the anonymous author would see yesterday's post and re-send her submission came true. Here it is.

No one wishes you a Happy Mother's Day when all your babies die before they are babies.
Not even the one who made the dead un-babies with you.
When the things you birth don't have fingers and toes or a face like yours...they don't count.
There is no Hallmark card for maybe next year.
Shattered hopes don't warrant brunch.
A dream deferred doesn't deserve breakfast in bed.
Not a mother, but not childless.
Just because I never knew it, doesn't mean it didn't have a name.

(A reminder to living children of living mothers: Mothers Day is this Sunday. If your mother lives not in Seattle and you haven't already sent something, FedEx is your best bet. But why not go with a nice phone call?)