The end is the best part of this BBC article about a study that shows how eating sushi wrapped in seaweed might have added to the guts of Japanese humans a substance that can break "seaweed down into digestible pieces":

  • Joi

Professor Justin Sonnenburg, a microbiologist from Stanford University in California... said that the study showed how important it was for the bacteria in the human gut to adapt to our changing environment and diet.

"Global travel and trade are providing unmatched access to new types of food and perhaps new microbes harbouring novel genes," he added.

"So the next time you take a bite of an unfamiliar food, think about the microbial inhabitants you may also be ingesting, ad the possibility that you will be providing one of your ten trillion closest friends with a new set of [digestive] utensils."

Here we see yet another link between the cultural and the biological. The globalization of the economy also means the globalization of our guts. The globalization of the human community means the globalization of our bacterial community. A change in this community also means a change in the individual. Lindy is clearly participating in this globalizing process. She will become the new woman.