EARTHQUAKE: Chile's 8.8 earthquake's death toll is up to 122; Hawaii and some countries under a tsunami warning. HuffPo and the New York Times are both doing live updates.

What: A caretaker in Kent claims he "accidentally" raped an elderly woman.

Today in Maurice Clemmons: Slain Lakewood police officers' families testify in front of the Washington State Senate Judiciary Committee.

Teehee: A horse and a goat escape in Madison Valley.

BURN: Representative Jim McDermott calls the Senate "worthless."

The US Department of Transportation might shut down; TIGER grants get more money.

In the Senate: Extension of unemployment benefits blocked by one vote.

President Obama: Says he's ready to compromise with Republicans on health care if they're serious about it.

Sea World shuts down Shamu's Twitter feed in the wake of the recent fatal orca whale attack.

Fireworks: Kill 19 villagers in China.

In Spain and Portugal: Big fucking storm.

Not Sure How To Feel About This: Rush Limbaugh spanks himself...