Variety reports that Steven Spielberg is about to start work on a remake of Harvey. This is a crime against humanity.

Harvey is one of my all-time favorite movies; I try to watch it every year or so, along with To Have and Have Not. It's one of Jimmy Stewart's best performances, as a drunkard with a giant imaginary rabbit friend. If you've seen it before, you should watch the following clip, which is one of the best monologues ever put to film. If you haven't seen it before, you should watch the goddamned movie:

("Nobody ever brings anything small into a bar" is a phenomenal line.) Part of the reason why Harvey is so exceptional is that it mixes darkness and sentimentality in a complex way that modern American movies can't manage. And I especially don't trust Spielberg with anything involving sentimentality. I don't know why anybody would try to remake this movie, but Spielberg's involvement dooms this remake from the get-go.