From your latest column: "And finally, CAEM, there is no God—you do realize that, right? No hell below us, above us only sky, etc."

I've been a regular reader for a couple years, Dan, but you've lost me on this one. What do you hope to achieve by ridiculing the beliefs of someone who came to you for advice? Your response to this person is as dogmatic as the institutions you criticize: it does not indicate any attempt to tolerate mindsets that differ from your own, nor any respect for the needs and desires that bring people to religion in the first place. I have found your columns entertaining in the past, but will not continue reading as I now believe your advice to be too prejudiced to be trustworthy.

And for what it's worth, I do not practice any particular religion, I support gay rights and I am politically liberal.

Disappointed By Your Stance

Someone can assert that there is a god... and i'm out of line for asserting that there isn't? Sorry to lose you, DBYS, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.