After first saying it was too late for him to sign the Hastings letter—"once the letter is sent it is sent"—Rep. Adam Smith has decided to join Rep. Jay Inslee in adding his name to the letter sent to Obama on Monday asking the president to suspend enforcement of DADT while Congress works on a solution/repeal. The Hastings letter was originally signed by 76 members of Congress; now it's been signed by 78 members. I'm going to keep calling members of Washington state's congressional delegation—including the rude douchebags on Brian Baird's staff—until they've all either signed on or given me their reasons for declining to sign on.

Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base are in Adam Smith's district.

And if Obama wants tips about suspending the enforcement of a law while congress works "on a fix," he can check with Janet Napolitano at DHS about how it's done.