When he heard that the Obama administration compared gay marriage to incest and child rape, Barney Frank called it a "big mistake" and demanded a clarification from the White House about the president's real position. Now it looks like Barney has assumed the position:

“When I was called by a newspaper reporter for reaction to the administration’s brief defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, I made the mistake of relying on other people’s oral descriptions to me of what had been in the brief, rather than reading it first. It is a lesson to me that I should not give in to press insistence that I comment before I have had a chance fully to inform myself on the subject at hand.”

“Now that I have read the brief, I believe that the administration made a conscientious and largely successful effort to avoid inappropriate rhetoric."

So Barney backs the president's DOMA brief. Unbelievable.

UPDATE: And Frank's flip-flop flops...

The most senior openly gay elected official just defended Obama's move because, had the president not defending DOMA, he would've been doing something unethical—even though plenty of legal experts have confirmed Obama was not required in the least to defend DOMA, especially in such a vile manner. Meanwhile, this is not a "political" issue; it is a civil rights issue. Would Frank's stance be the same if, say, there were a law on the books saying gays couldn't vote? Or blacks couldn't marry? And Obama had defended those laws because, well, they were simply written down in the rulebook?