Gotta Go: 36,000 could get cut from state health plan.

And Next Thing They'll Say He's With Hiding Out With Elvis, Tupac
: Former roadie claims Jimi Hendrix was murdered.

Not To Be Outdone By Other Area Police: King County SWAT shoots man after bomb threat.

Remember How Those Defense Contractors Were Lambasted During The Iraq War?: Now they are aiming to get on board with President Obama's cyber-security push.

Speaking Of Security: Critics take a big look at how the US uses informants on terror groups in the wake of the Newburgh Four.

What's Really Scary: Local woman dies in Thailand after losing her lung tissue.

"One In Seven Gitmo Releases Return To Terrorism": Well, not really.

After All The Friggen Hype: Susan Boyle places second in contest.

Your Job May Suck: But it doesn't suck like this.

According To Wikipedia It's "World No Tobacco Day"
: And Goofy illustrates the dangers.