It's not the specific people Twittering about their lives. It's all the people Twittering about our world:

Twitter has some very interesting plans for its newly-unveiled live search function: soon it will activate crawlers that will index the links users include in their Tweets. In one fell swoop that turns Twitter into an even more powerful news and opinion aggregator. Look and learn, Google.

The news came directly from Santosh Jayaran, VP of Operations at Twitter. Interestingly, he was previously VP of Search Quality at Google. Twitter plans to turn its search results from a mere list of updates that people tweet related to the topic you're searching for into a fully-fledged live data source.

The idea of many people's opinions and concerns and information being immediately available to everyone is a potent one, and something that Google—not even Google's Blog Search, which feels kind of heavy and slow for a Google search—can't quite do on its own. It's a genius use of what they've built, and this is how Twitter will eventually be able to monetize their business.