Wired reports that Apple has removed an iPhone app called Baby Shaker after "widespread outrage from parents."

It's a stupid little app that shows a picture of a baby, makes some gurgling sounds, and if you shake the phone hard enough, little red Xs appear on the babies eyes.

Predictably, people with children who were shaken as babies—babies who suffered horrible and crippling injuries—were furious that such a thing would be allowed in the world and Apple bowed to pressure and removed the app, pointing out yet again that their Application approval process is absurdly capricious and unfair.

What the hell, Apple? Sure, it's a stupid, pointless, generally offensive app. So fucking what? These people who've had horrible things happen to them and then insist that there is never, ever, ever any acceptable way to discuss these things except in somber, hushed, reverent tones need a good shake, if you ask me.

Just kidding! I'm anti-shaking in all cases, I swear! It's not even funny, I know.