a2a0/1239221621-hebrewobama.jpgVia the ECB-adored and truly quite impressive ObamaFoodorama:

Tonight at sundown is the beginning of the Jewish religious holiday of Pesach, or Passover, an eight-day-long memorial observance of the Israelites fleeing out of Egyptian slavery in Biblical times. According to a White house spokesperson, the Obamas will hold a Passover seder tomorrow at the White House, on the second night of the Jewish holiday. It's apparently the first time a president has actually hosted a seder at the White House.

Take that, conflicted Florida Jews! I predict images in Friday's papers of Obama—who of course would love a seder and its round-the-table storytelling—wearing a yarmulke and reading from a Haggadah and (breathe calmly, bubbe) maybe even eating gefilte fish.