7a66/1236875199-pornoz.jpgSome people are all fighting and yelling about pornoz in the comments of Kelly O's Porn! column. Haven't we sorted this one out yet, people?

Why are you reviewing porn in the Stranger? Why do you think women would be interested in reading this tripe? Our entire culture is saturated with porn. It debases and demoralizes the lives on real women. That you would waste column inches on "reviewing" porn is symptomatic of the utter vapidity of your paper and of you. Why not concentrate on art or real drama or something worthwhile instead of offering inane "commentary" about pointless productions geared toward immature and empty-headed people? People like you, Kelly O, are a big problem. You elevate the trivial and worthless at the expense of real humanity and worthy art. You are an insult to my gender, and to women all over the world who are the victims of sexual abuse, exploitation, and violence. Your "commentary" furthers the debasement of girls and young women here and abroad. Thanks for making the world a better place for women, Kelly
How dare you? What makes you think you have the right to tell other women what to write or think about a topic you find offensive? Who apponted you the spokesperson of the female gender?

You haven't lived in Kelly O's shoes. And you haven't lived in mine. I'm a woman, an abuse survior and a concientious porn consumer, and you don't speak for me.

Hey, people who don't like porn, here's an idea: go read something else.

This article is called "Porn!" And it is about, you guessed it, porn. Truth in advertising. So if you don't want to read about porn, don't read this article. If you do read this article, we can all assume that you do want to read about porn, and that your angry ranting is just a poor attempt to morally justify your titillation.

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