Autism is not caused by vaccination.

Autism is not caused by vaccination.

Autism is not caused by vaccination.

Autism is not caused by vaccination.

Autism is not caused by vaccination.

Autism is not caused by vaccination:

.....a special federal court ruled Thursday that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and vaccines that contained a mercury-based preservative were not connected to the autism that developed in three children.

Can we please—pretty please, with a cherry on top—please, please, please stop looking for a causal connection between vaccination and autism? Please? Because, after decades of intensive research—I could have found hundreds upon hundreds of published studies looking into this question, each demonstrating a lack of connection, or unconvincing connections or correlations—we have the answer: Vaccines do not cause autism.

Given how little money is available for scientific research in general, and research on pediatric health in particular, this is just simply wasteful. Criminally wasteful. The continuing obsession by some parents—absolutely certain in the existence of a non-existent connection between vaccination and autism—is wasting precious time and money. This money could be used to develop therapies for autism, to look for far more promising causal agents or studying other serious illnesses of childhood.

Please. Please. Vaccines don't cause autism. Can we stop asking now?