The Support Sam Adams page on Facebook currently has 349 members. Who'd like to be the 350th?

Also, some advice for Sam Adams: Get the hell out of your house and go to work. Borrow a page from Bill Clinton—who blew a presidential load on a White House intern—and go do your job. The media pronounced Clinton politically dead, insisted that he had to resign, that there was nothing else he could do, the media Clinton couldn't possibly be an effective president after the public learned about the blue dress and the cigars and analingus in the Oval Office. But the public wasn't as prudish or vindictive as the media insisted. People saw Clinton doing his job, people contemplated the sexual mistakes they themselves had made, and they backed Clinton.

You've already apologized for having consensual sex with an adult, you've apologized for lying. It's time to be done apologizing. Go to work. Tough it out. Face 'em down.