Think Progress watches Brit Hume interview George Bush on Fox New Sunday so you don't have to.

Watch as Bush casually smirks his way through an explanation of how he authorized the use of torture on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

Having no morals whatsoever, Bush figures the legal questions are the end of the debate. If you can get a couple of pro-torture lawyers to come up with a legal argument for doing it, it's good and right altogether. That's exactly how Jesus decided moral issues, right ? Bush isn't interested in whether these techniques are moral, or even if they work.

They don't:

... according to a former senior C.I.A. official, who read all the interrogation reports on K.S.M., "90 percent of it was total fucking bullshit." A former Pentagon analyst adds: "K.S.M. produced no actionable intelligence. He was trying to tell us how stupid we were."

That smirk alone should be enough to convict the fucker of war crimes.