Hi there,

I opened the Stranger newspaper bin this morning to grab some light reading for my first workday commute of the year. I found a colorful copy of The Watchtower instead of the colorful copy of The Stranger that I expected.


No biggie, though—it's all the same to me; I'll read just about anything during my morning ride on the #255 to downtown.

But the contrast between the anticipated sinful reading and the sixth grade-level material that the Jehovah fairies placed in your distribution bin does raise an intriguing question: How would the writers of The Stranger address this sizzling topic? Should readers of The Stranger fear Hell, too? Or is Hell a matter best reserved for incidental readers of The Watchtower? Perhaps The Stranger's writers would admonish those fearful of Hell instead to be fearful of ignorance and/or sexual repression. Really, what is "Hell"? It seems to me that The Watchtower totally scooped The Stranger on this one.

I patiently await the special Going to Hell Issue of The Stranger.


Dear C.,

Every issue of The Stranger is the Going to Hell Issue (especially this one). Thank you for writing!

Very best,
The Stranger