The Stranger Election Control Board sized up Brad Owen in our election endorsements back in August...

Anyone but Brad Owen

owen-1.jpgLieutenant Governor Brad Owen has been on call since 1996 in case the real governor drops dead. This leaves him plenty of extra time, which he uses to tour the state with his crappy-ass rock band and crusade against pot. This year we support all four of Owen's challengers: An empty bag of chips (Marcia McCraw), a one-eyed dog (Arlene A. Peck), a crusty come sock (Jim Wiest), and a man without a website (Randel Bell). All are more qualified to hold this post than Brad Owen.

And please join the SECB and vote stoned as a matter of principle.

Brad Owen: less qualified to be lieutenant governor than an empty bag of chips, a crusty come sock, a one-eyed dog, and a man without a website. God help us if Gregoire is joining the Obama administration and Owen takes over as governor.