
Q: Where is the new Stranger on this overcast, hungover New Year's Day?

A: There is no new Stranger on this overcast, hungover New Year's Day—we hardworking Stranger persons took a vacation and made no paper, having made a Special Double Issue: Collector's Edition! last week (in his inimitable fashion, A. Birch Steen grouses about it/revels in it here). For your reading pleasure: an extraordinary, extra-sensory-perceptive, predictive-text Last Days (including a whole week in advance!), ongoing The Stranger Suggests, all the listings you require for the weekend, more 2008 Regrets than you likely care to read, and a brand-spanking new Savage Love. And here is your fresh New Year Free Will Astrology horoscope, friend. Mix up a pitcher of bloody Marys (bloodies Mary?). Go see a matinee. Happy ought-nine!