513W281P7ZL._SL500_AA240_.jpgLast week, I started a Friday-at-noon Slog feature called Seattle Poetry Chain. Each week, I'll feature one poem by a local poet. That poet will then choose the next poet, and so on and so forth. The debut poet was Doug Nufer. Doug Nufer's choice for the next link in the chain is wise and good, like Nufer himself.

Sarah Mangold is the editor of a poetry journal called Bird Dog. Here is its online home. There is a new issue—Number 10!—of Bird Dog scheduled for this coming January, and there will be a release party for it in New York City. Mangold is also the author of a book of poems called Household Mechanics. You can look at it here, but I'd really rather you bought it from the good folks at Open Books.

Here is Mangold's poem, titled {OUTSIDE OF PRAISE AND PRECISION}. I hope you don't mind that I'm using a screen shot of the poem, but I was afraid the, well, precise formatting issues might be too much for our blog:


Tune in next week to see who she picks. Thanks to Doug Nufer for choosing Sarah Mangold, and thanks to Sarah Mangold for being so happy to participate.