The anti-bag-fee "coalition"—AKA, the American Chemistry Council, which advocates against regulation on plastics and toxic chemicals—has collected more than $227,000, according to Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission reports, for its campaign to repeal the 20-cent fee on disposable grocery bags. Fully $217,000 of that came directly from the chemical-industry lobby group. At the moment, there is no pro-bag-fee campaign. For this and other reasons, I'm certain that the well-intentioned bag fee—a voluntary charge for those who choose not to carry their groceries in a backpack or reusable 99-cent canvas bag—will be overturned by voters when it's on the ballot next year. That's a victory for the chemical industry and a relatively small loss for the environment, but a huge defeat for the idea that small steps will help—help— lead the way to a safer, less toxic world for everyone.