Holy fucking shit! Jonah Spangenthal-Lee read a book? Wait, what? Jonah Spangenthal-Lee read two books? It's true! and he wrote about them both in the books section this week!

First, he turns his nerdy eye to Dave Gibbons' Watching the Watchmen and is sorely disappointed:

With a big, fancy film adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons's mind- blowingly brilliant comic series Watchmen on the way, publishers will undoubtedly be rushing all kinds of crap onto shelves for the holiday season to cash in on the hype.

Watching the Watchmen is just such crap.

And then he writes about Men With Balls, which is a new book by a sportsblogger.


Drew Magary is a funny motherfucker. Magary, one of the principal dick-joke writers on the hilarious Kissing Suzy Kolber sports blog—which, in fact, contains very little sports analysis—is the latest blogger to cross over and join the guys from Stuff White People Like and Waiter Rant in a weird, semilegitimate circle of hell in the literary world.

Jonah makes the book sound so funny that even I—a person who has successfully avoided sports since the late 1980s—almost want to read the damn thing. Turns out, Jonah's news instincts also make him a good book reviewer: he's to-the-point in his book reviews and he doesn't take any bullshit. Yay for Jonah's book reviews! You should go read them both.