Was it her?
Was it her? Alex Garland

Who gave them $50,000? We don’t know. Yet.

Here’s what Just Want Privacy, the group behind proposed anti-trans bathroom measure I-1515, had to say about it in a campaign e-mail (bolds mine):

This morning, Just Want Privacy received a $50,000.00 gift towards the signature gathering process. Praise God.

But it does not stop there.

Another generous donor has committed a $50,000.00 matching grant.  For every dollar the grassroots contribute between today and Wednesday June 29th at 5:00 PM PDT it will be matched dollar for dollar up to $50,000.00.

And here’s more from Chris Plante, the former anti-gay marriage campaigner Just Want Privacy hired to help the group ramp up their signature-gathering efforts to qualify for the November ballot. As you can see, he explicitly references Washington’s anti-gay marriage campaign from 2012 as a place to find “allies” (bolds mine, again):

We are beating the bushes for men and women who can join the team by making five-figure donations. We are reaching out to every ally from 2012 and trying to find new ones. We are analyzing every piece of data to find rocks that we have not yet turned over.

So, while yesterday was a shock - those will come. The Evil One is a liar and seeks to discourage the people of God. We hope you too will stick with it. Gather every signature you can. Send in what you have. Continue to give sacrificially of your time, talent and treasure. 

We stand for the Truth: He created them, male and female He created them.

I hope you have a blessed day. There will be more to come from us as the day goes by.

Heads up: According to another campaign e-mail, Just Want Privacy signature-gatherers will be “beating the bushes” at the Greenwood Car Show and Seattle Seafair Pirates Landing this weekend. May G-d give them bupkis.