The corridor between the main part of the Capitol Hill light rail station and the southwest entrance to the station near Seattle Central.
The corridor between the main part of the Capitol Hill light rail station and the southwest entrance/exit. Christopher Frizzelle

I guess I shouldn't call this one a Boring Report, because this hallway was not created by boring. This hallway was a cut-and-cover. But Cut-and-Cover Report just rings a little hollow.

This corridor crosses under Broadway just south of Denny. "We closed half of Broadway at a time to dig that tunnel," Sound Transit spokesperson Bruce Gray confirms. Remember when there was all that boarded-up construction mess taking up space on Broadway, for quite a long time, right in front of Annapurna Cafe? This tiled, gently sloping, feels-like-a-real-city hallway is the result.

Here's a bird's-eye view of the station (if you could see through the ground).

This hallways is that yellow pathway that says slope up, slope up.
This hallway is that yellow pathway on the upper left. Courtesy of Sound Transit

After the hallway gently slopes up, you arrive at the Seattle Central station exit/entrance, which looks like this:

Opening day.
Opening day. Christopher Frizzelle

Everyone in this photo stepped outside into a delicious cloud of chickeny goodness coming out of Annapurna Cafe, whose new bar was packed with day-drinkers.