
Is the LW trying to find a way to ruin the woman's engagement or what?

Just STFU about it.
Quick show of hands: even without Dan's headline, who needed to read past the first paragraph to know where this story was headed?

Actually, I take it as a sign that TUTTUT is sincere.
Don't get drunk around these friends ever again, in case of temptation with her, and loose lips sink ship with him! Buy them a great thank you for housing us and wedding present. Move on.
Lovely, all the way around
No good can come of confessing to regrettable things. Remember that time Tony Blair bummed a puffin?…
Yay! An honest-to-Ann-Landers "How'd THAT happen???" letter!!! Nothing will ever top the HTH letter from the woman who let a dog go down on her, but Dan, you've made my day.

All I keep hearing is Fiona Apple.... "I've been a bad, bad girl....."
Well, I'll say it then: It was rather hot, no?
"The boyfriend is away for the duration of our stay and we are staying with the girlfriend... There has always been chemistry

He left town so you could do what you just did.

Don't be surprised if you get a similar invitation in a couple of years, and again, he's out of town the whole time.
@ 9 - I hope it was for them. Nothing worse than feeling that guilty for a so-so fuck.
Clearly it was hot. No doubt greased by alcohol and misbehavior.
"The next day the three of us talked it out and debriefed agreeing not to tell another soul as long as we lived...."

And then you wrote an email to Dan, which was more effective at spreading the news than shouting it from the rooftop.
There are far too many details in your letter, LW. If her BF sees it, he will most likely figure it out.
@13 You nailed it. Really, how many other people can match this situation? (And if there are any others who do, the LW has probably just sown some serious seeds of chaos.) I enjoy my daily Savage Love letter as much as the next rubber necker, but maybe this is one Dan should have replied to privately.
Sargon @6: Except that neither of them is either homosexual or gay. They're a bisexual same-sex couple, as evidenced by the act that prompted this letter.

EricaP @10: If that were the case, why didn't the girlfriend tell him she had his blessing? Nope. Absent boyfriend thinks these guys are a monogamous gay couple, and therefore safe to leave alone with his girlfriend.

Adam @13: Because everyone on the whole continent of Europe reads a Seattle-based sex advice columnist, who is too stupid to realise that hey, maybe he should change some details in cases where LWs could be recognised by the people they've just wronged (for instance, his being from Europe?). You think the number of partnered women in the entire world who have invited gay(-appearing) friends to stay with them is "one"?

TUTTUT: A bad person would do a thing like this and feel zero guilt, so that's proof positive you're not a bad person. You've cheated, and you've already figured out your punishment is having to take the secret to your graves. Try to focus on the fun you had, and commit to avoiding that sort of situation in future, and that's about all you can do.
Confidential to TUTTUT: if you're ever looking for a willing gal who won't feel guilty afterwards give me a call.
Read again, BiDanFan. This took place in America. The couple visiting the US from Europe are originally American, and are old friends of both the woman and the boyfriend. Boyfriend out of town for several weeks, and is engaged to the girlfriend. Those are pretty specific circumstances. I'd guess fewer than 100 boyfriends in America meet these criteria.
Don't you think boyfriend will pick up the vibe next time they are all together. Let's hope the three of them are better actors than they are friends and fiancé.
You really don't want it to happen again? Then don't visit, and if you do visit, don't stay at her place, and if you do stay at her place, don't do it when her boyfriend is out of town, and if you do visit when her boyfriend is out of town, don't get drunk. I think this is one of those situations where you'd rather have your fun and feel guilty than take any steps to prevent it from happening in the first place. True prevention could have happened several steps back.

Here's another tip: Instead of looking at this as doing your friend a favor, look at it as helping her make a bad choice. She chose a single night of fantastically hot sex with a consequence of lifelong guilt and hiding from her fiance/husband. If she wanted a less messy way of crossing that threesome off her bucket list, she might have made her boyfriend part of it, or she might marry someone who would be okay with her having a threesome with 2 old friends. Instead, she chose the CPOS route. Note that I hold her more responsible for doing something wrong than TUTTUT. TUTTUT didn't break any promises or betray his fiance. She did.
@10: "He left town so you could do what you just did."

Considering that they all had a discussion and the girlfriend stated that he wouldn't be cool with it, no.
"TUTTUT didn't break any promises or betray his fiance"

They could've said no, but they both plowed ahead anyway. A fundamental dishonesty sure counts as a betrayal to me.
Our girlfriend did say that she can now tick off "threesome" off her list of life goals and that she would happily marry her boyfriend now that it's done.
wow. what a lucky guy... ? I hope for his sake the engagement falls through and he finds someone more honest, open, and mature.
Ms Fan - I'll agree that chances are good enough details have been changed to protect... whom? But from what we're told, they seem pretty openly bi (or at least openly homoflexible). I'm not sure you're thinking it through; if it turns out that Fiance knows them less well than Hostess (perhaps he's only known them as a couple) and thinks of them as a monogamous gay couple (though I'm closer to siding with you than Ms Erica about Fiance's intending this to happen - but still, well conceived by Ms Erica), then that really tells against Hostess.

A case can be made that LW/BF cheated Fiance, I suppose, though otherwise I don't know why you wrote, "You've cheated," to LW. Perhaps this situation makes a case against social monogamy.
Ms Rand - There seems room to accommodate more blame falling on the main Cheater and secondary blame on the Accessories.
@24: Sure, "more" or "less" are not my concern, but purportedly they call him a friend as well, so I don't see them as not at all culpable in the matter. Assigning "blame" is a little useless after the fact, but it would be nice if everyone took a bit more responsibility for their actions.

@7: Thankfully, this is a lot easier to figure out how it happened ;)
@17 - but the LW specifically says he is from Europe. I think we can safely assume that his boyfriend lives in Europe as well. "Going abroad" doesn't necessarily mean they came to the US, they could have simply gone from, for example, Italy to the UK. Not to mention there are other places in the world than Europe and the US.

There is literally no mention of the US anywhere in the letter.
I'm closer to Ms Crinoline's conclusion than Mr Savage's. His is plausible and potentially comforting, but hers is more helpful. As for other things:

[Take comfort in the thought that Mr. Monogamy could be out there sowing a few wild oats of his own—maybe he's got a bucket list too—and resolve to keep your mouths shut.]

A bit of a reach? This seems to go beyond even telling supporters of Mr Sanders to feel happy about voting for Mrs Clinton because Mr Trump is so much worse. But it's pretty sad for the world if more cheating makes things better. I'll promote this to LMB.

[Whatever you do, TUTTUT, don't compound the largely hypothetical harm you've already done to your male friend (what he doesn't know can't hurt him) by unburdening yourself to him or anyone else because that could do actual harm (what he does know could hurt him—and her).]

(I think I'd invent an emergency to avoid attending the wedding; they can do that much for Fiance.) Gee, I wonder if some part of the reason that there's such an exaggerated sense of Men's being Dogs and Pigs while Women so so so definitely Aren't is that there is so much White Knighting to preserve women's reputations. I'll grant there's (at least some; it's difficult to determine how much) truth in the concern, which means that there isn't an easy fix, but we can't say this is exclusively one-way traffic (recalling Mrs Osbourne's favourite castratrix, whom I really only mention just to get to write "castratrix").

But, to give the counterpoint to that bit of Don't Tell, what Fiance could come to know could come back to hurt LW/BF as well. If they were all completely drunk, a revelation could lead Hostess or Fiance to play the Consent card. Even Mr Savage drops a hint (with admirably skillful delicacy) of being willing to believe it - [...and now, with your help and the help of both your dicks, she's done that thing... or she had it done to her...] {my italics}.

I'm inclined to like "visa-versa" and "Our girlfriend" from the letter enough to avoid expressing a wish to hear what transpired after It happened again, and therefore dismiss the cosmic vibrations that might lead me to think it did.
TUTTUT you had sex with your friend because you, your boyfriend, and your friend all wanted to have sex. Even in the moment you all knew you were engaged in something that your friend's fiancee (also your friend) would consider a betrayal by his fiancee and his friends, to whom he had opened his home. (I think it is safe to say that anyone monogamously oriented wouldn't be interested in their partner having a threesome with two other people). As such, you, your boyfriend, and your friend have to own your deceitfulness and live with it, and I would advise that you consider not staying with your friend in the future.

A friend once remarked that he was grateful for his sexual adventures because he could enjoy look back on them, and would certainly do so when he was old and his days of adventure were behind him. That thought leads me to TUTTUT's friend, who it seems may have facilitated this threesome so as to experience something she had fantasized about before marriage to a monogamous man foreclosed that possibility. Having experienced a threesome in a deceitful manner is this really going to be a hot memory that you're going to be able to savor in the years ahead, knowing that you cheated your fiancee? If you can look back on cheating fondly, that seems rather telling about you, and if the answer is no, than why cheat in the first place?
@ 17 - How you managed to make that up is a mistery. Reading comprehension fail.
I agree there's a strong possibility of them being outed by this letter-it really is a pretty identifiable set of circumstances/players. You three should come clean. The fiance is entitled to know about this. Drunk or not that was a massive betrayal and you all know it.
Fact: the more primary participants involved in a "secret," the more apt there is for "betrayal" of that secret. Guilt is often the impetus of other regrettable actions.

Unless the LW and his partner can 100% rely on his friend to never 'fess-up to the deed to her fiancé, they should probably just send a fabulous wedding gift (as @3 recommends), find a plausible reason not to go to the wedding, and not go to it (as @27 recommends).
Reading it again, I think what annoys me the most about this letter is that the guy is totally going to let it happen again.

The combination of the "this would be a bad idea", getting drunk as an excuse to go through with it, pretending he didn't know how it happened, then saying it was hot and that he wants it to happen again...

He needs to fess up or drop out and stop hanging out with her. He hasn't really grasped his free will in the active decision, and he will again play dumb as he moves to make it happen again.

Not that I'm pretending that she had nothing to do with it, but she didn't write in.

Nothing he says here indicates that he really cares about what happens so much as how he might be perceived. Not that it matters, because being seen as a "bad person" doesn't affect that he thinks it was hot (which I'm sure it was) and he sees zero issues or weirdness with being around her again.

C'moooooon, worry more about doing good things than how people see you. Playing dumb doesn't make you seem better, just more deceitful.
"Hey, I did a terrible thing, but I really enjoyed it and I didn't get caught (so far), so it's totally cool, right? Although I kinda totally want to do it again, but this time I'm sure I'll be able to stop myself."

It never ceases to amaze me the lame excuses people make for their own lack of self-control. "I had a feeling and I had no choice but to let it take over my life!" Self-control is the difference between adults and children - you don't shit where you eat. The fiancée is going to carry this guilty secret for years (her fling wasn't with two random backpackers passing through town, it was with mutual friends). Sounds like fun.
(Given the evident lack of self-control, and the tells that the LW is going to try to repeat the experience, I would bet money that the truth comes out at some point, probably a very painful and inconvenient point.)
Exactly! He wants what he wants and the rationalizations come out in force after he's rocketed towards his goal, nothing learned in the process.

That "We can't be doing this! Let's all state how much we don't want to do this [drinks and engineers the situation until 'this' happens]" scenario would be hilarious and soap-opera dramatic if it wasn't so commonplace.
33-- Let me just add: "Hey, I did a terrible thing, but I really enjoyed it, and I didn't get caught (so far), AND I FEEL SO TERRIBLY GUILTY. I feel awful; that's got to count for something, so it's totally cool, right?"
@15 "You think the number of partnered women in the entire world who have invited gay(-appearing) friends to stay with them is "one"?"

No, but the number of partnered women, whose partners are out of town, that have invited old friends (that happen to be bi, but may be 'gay appearing') to stay while they are in town (which is right now according to the LW) is probably fairly low.
Hopefully Dan changed enough information that LW's friend wont find out because of this letter, but that isn't the point. The LW swore to never tell anyone about this, and he did.
Also, I think Dan is a bit more popular than you think. Dan may live in Seattle, but people from all over the world read Savage Love. It is in print syndication across the country, and is available via Internet worldwide. I can pick up a local paper that runs Savage Love at the corner store, and I live over 2000 miles from Seattle. You can read the LOTD via the Savage Love app.

tl;dr. The LW already broke his promise to never tell, and Dan is very popular.
@36: Yep. I get the feeling he enjoys the guilt. It's a positive feedback loop.
@38 He enjoys it so much he's probably jerking off thinking about it while he reads all the comments telling him how naughty he is.

BTW, I know we all try to respond to the letter as if it were real because it might be, but didn't this one sound pretty fake in a Penthouse Forum kinda way?
@39: I though perhaps, but I (regrettably) dated someone who used the breathless "but we must not, WE ARE SO VERY NAUGHTY noooo" prose to address an imaginary audience and it's at least somewhat plausible to me.

Then again, they were an unreliable narrator so perhaps you're still correct.
BiDanFan @15 and undead.@20: why didn't the girlfriend tell him she had his blessing?

Because cuckolds (the kind who enjoy it) often don't want to be outed to their friends as such.
Now that it's officially July, I'm tempted to predict a foursome.
@41: Then why did they have the "we're so naughty, grab a fainting couch" lecture beforehand? It certainly wasn't for his benefit.
@43 I don't understand the question. The woman has permission to have sex with her bi friends but she has to pretend it's cheating to avoid outing him. (He's "traditional" and devoutly monogamous.) So the lecture just underlines the story that it's cheating.
Gaspar @17: Where do you read America anywhere in that letter?

TUTTUT is from Europe, a detail which could have been changed. They have been "abroad" for a while. "Abroad," if you are from Europe, could mean America, it could mean South America, it could mean Australia, it could mean a different European country than the one they live in. They are "back home for a few weeks," "home" obviously being Europe if that is where TUTTUT is from. During this time they are staying with the girl, at "home," ie their home country, before heading "abroad" again, ie anywhere in the world besides their own country.
EricaP @44: The woman has permission to have sex with her bi friends but she has to pretend it's cheating to avoid outing him.

OK, usually you say things that make sense, but this makes no sense whatsoever. This girl is torturing her friends' consciences by pretending she didn't have permission to sleep with them when she really did? She really thinks two homoflexible guys who like threesomes will negatively judge a straight guy for not being strictly monogamous? No, that makes zero sense, sorry.
Yeah, I'd accept this as a penthouse fantasy letter from a straight cuckold before I'd think that was likely.

The couple is ALREADY TALKING ABOUT HER (with Dan and likely others) AS A CHEAT. How is that any better than taking about their arrangement in a positive sense?
DCP @39: didn't this one sound pretty fake in a Penthouse Forum kinda way?

Nope, not at all. Nowhere near enough detail. These things do happen in other people's lives, take my word on it.
Oh, quit your pious handwringing! All three of you adults wanted to do it, decided to do it, enjoyed doing it, and agreed to a strategy to minimize negative consequences. I'm betting all three of you--if not now, then soon--will want to do it again.

And you know what? You *should* . . .
@48: I certainly believe that the scenario has happened, we're just debating the useless drama generated over it all. If the fiancée is complicit here, she's handled it pretty poorly.

@49: They can do whatever they want, but all the "But I'm a 'good person'! This is wrong! I'll never do it again! I would never hurt a friend! [makes plans to do it again]" posturing is tiresome from the outside.

All the parties need to be honest, talk to the fiancé and get over themselves if this is going to be such a regular thing.
I mean, I don't know if they "should" or not, but there's really nothing indicating that it won't occur again, so why not improve communication?
@51: fessing up to fiancé may very well end his relationship with all three others.

Everyone--*everyone*--has secrets. Secret deeds, secret thoughts, secret fantasies This worshipping that goes on here at the altar of Full Honesty and Disclosure, Always And About Everything is at best hypocritical. Sometimes, secrets can benefit their keepers, without harming others…
BostonMac @52: These three aren't required to confess if they commit to never doing it again, which is not what you're advising.
A one-time getting carried away is one thing. Active plans to carry on an ongoing affair are quite another. It's basically the difference between being human and being evil.
Right, Mac appears to be buying into them having no agency in their desires and being swept up in this romantic drivel. If you want to continue on fucking each other, it's pretty fucking obvious that the childish farce must end.

No more sniffing their own farts with flowery proclamations stated for an invisible audience and that they have no intention of keeping. Don't be a shithead. Learn to communicate like grown adults, not giggling, teenaged, drama-seeking missiles.
Again, take some fucking responsibility for your actions, they blame being drunk on what happened, but they were planned whole sober, and approved of when the sobered up as well.
I read/listen to Dan a lot, and I always find his attitude towards cheating interesting.

I feel terrible for the boyfriend that all three of the people in this letter took advantage of. He opened his home to his friends, and they & his girlfriend went behind his back and violated his trust.

Dan seems to go with the whole "if a tree falls in the woods, but nobody hears it, it doesn't matter if it fell or not" rationale...but is there no such thing as an intrinsic evil?

If I was the bf, I would want to be told what happened by my girlfriend so that I could make the decision whether or not to stay in the relationship.

I believe there is an intrinsic value in being honest about things that would matter to your significant other, while Dan seems to hold a much more instrumental view of it.
@53: Evil?? You have to give the restrictive, "traditional" monogamist veto power over everyone else's pleasures of the flesh, or be evil?

Suppose Mr. Monogamist wouldn't tolerate masturbation, by girlfriend or house guests, and it would be a relationship-ender with anyone he learned practiced that? They all have to give up masturbation, or be EVIL?? Why isn't wanking in secret an option? Let him have his restrictive beliefs, who is hurt by the secret wank?

Or suppose Mr. Monogamist is a militant vegan and--à la Morrissey--insists meat eaters not darken his door. Suppose girlfriend and friends live a mostly vegan lifestyle, but every so often enjoy a secret burger. They are EVIL?

And bear in mind, girlfriend and male couple are only pursuing sexual pleasures. Her sexual pleasures with the couple are momentary, they won't continue to exist when she and Mr. Monogamist are together again. They need not interfere with their shared intimacies. It's not like girlfriend and couple are all secretly in love now, with emotional bonds that endure and exist even when girlfriend and fiancé are alone, betraying the fiancé's belief that he is girlfriend's beloved, and she his, that they are each other's emotional one and only.

The real question is why girlfriend wants to tie herself in marriage to someone whose sexual values are so different from hers. But that's a different question; apparently she does. But, it's funny how Mr. Savage is okay with secretly-enjoyed sex by someone who goes through misery of being pleasure-deprived by asshole spouse, but denies that pleasure to someone who isn't eager to suffer all that misery first. And to jump to EVIL! It's a sex-negative, slut-shaming judgment. So sanctimonious.
BostonMac @57: Suppose Mr. Monogamist wouldn't tolerate masturbation


Your post is too ridiculous on every level to reply to. But thanks for the laugh.
You heard it here first, folks. Disliking infidelity and suggesting honesty is "slut-shaming" because anything other than giving into baser instincts and fucking anyone immediately and without thought is completely unthinkable.

@58: Jokeshamer!
"The real question is why girlfriend wants to tie herself in marriage to someone whose sexual values are so different from hers."

Seeing as she's actively working to sabotage the marriage, I don't think she's going to tie herself to him, or if she shrugs and lets it happen anyway, it isn't long for this world.
@58: So, in your values, being anti-masturbation is so absurd that it requires DTMFA without any further consideration, but being insistent on monogamy is perfectly reasonable and must be scrupulously honored or else evil occurs.

Do you even see how riddled with value judgments your views are? And believing that your own value judgments are the only valid ones is the definition of pious sanctimony.
@61: Says the person resorting to making things up in order to try and call sanctimony.

Simply pathetic.
The LW only brought up "traditional" as the counter to poly relationships and extracurricular activities.
@59: disliking infidelity is *far* different from saying people who are unfaithful are EVIL. And, maximizing happiness--both your own and those around you/you love--obviously does not mean giving into any and all base instincts. How do you leap to that characterization?
You are a creature composed purely of projection.

Here you discuss a woman who was not allowed to masturbate, sanctimony, and some fantasy persons calling the LW evil.

None of which has occurred!

I hope this unhinged discussion with yourself has met provided your own personal masturbatory fodder for the day.

You win the argument! And I'm out.
Met / provided that is.
@65: Bullshit it hasn't occurred. "A one-time getting carried away is one thing. Active plans to carry on an ongoing affair are quite another. It's basically the difference between being human and being evil."
Yes, listen to BostonMac. Nothing could possibly go wrong, and anyone who says otherwise is just a cowardly Untermensch who refuses to lie to get what they truly want.
If this was a fantasy it would be hot. In reality it is gross and that girl is a piece of shit. Nobody deserves to have their girlfriend spit-roasted behind their back. How the word "friend" even made it into this letter I'll never know, especially as the LW is already rationalizing doing it again.

I know Dan is loosey goosey on monogamy over the long haul but if they're still just dating it doesn't seem forgiveable. Poor boyfriend, he's dating a creep and probably won't find out until much more damage has been done.
I just got dumped by my long-term boyfriend after he found out about my illicit threesome. AMA.
Oh where to begin. I guess with welcome to a special purgatory. Two or in this case three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead. LW has betrayed three people. The fiance and his two co-conspirators. So much for never telling anyone else. The friendship that existed before is dead to be replaced by one where three people have to be careful not to say or do anything that would let the fiance in on their little secret. Can you say awkward, having to watch what you say and do all the time. They can't get drunk or high with the fiance because people are more likely to let something slip while under the influence. Unless the fiance is totally clueless he is going to notice the changed friendship and should conclude that something happened while he was out of town unless they are very good liars or actors. The LW is suffering a guilty conscience and is the weak link in this conspiracy. I would argue that the fiance was already committed to be out of town. How could he could he know they were going to ask to stay with them?
I hope the shit hits the fan, as it inevitably will in this case, before the marriage and even more before children involved.
@70: which do you regret more, the illicit threesome, or being long term with that boyfriend?
@73 The threesome, no question.
@70: How much "but we shouldn't!!! This is wrong!" bodice-ripping dialogue did you exchange before shrugging and going at it anyway?
BostonMac @67: The LW did NOT engage in the campaign of ongoing deception which you advocated, and therefore is NOT evil. Did you read any of my posts?
BDF @15: TUTTUT: A bad person would do a thing like this and feel zero guilt, so that's proof positive you're not a bad person.

Still chuckling at me being called sex-negative and slut-shaming. Ahahahaha. Ever heard of the phrase "ethical slut"? It's a concept you might want to investigate.
Boston @61: (I really need to find a better hobby)
If you are not into monogamy, you shouldn't commit to a monogamous relationship. Simples.
If you commit to a monogamous relationship and then go around fucking whoever you want to anyway, you're a lying CPOS.
Why is that concept difficult for you to grasp?
Feel bad for the fiancé. Stuck with a faithless slut and two backstabbing assholes.
The three of them can get together and laugh at him behind his back when they travel over for the wedding.
@77: where do you see that the girlfriend ever "commit[ted] to a monogamous relationship"?? Indeed, that seems an especially unlikely assumption, since a threesome was on "her list of life goals." Your own preference for believing that scrupulous monogamy is the default arrangement in a relationship is odd, unrealistic, and, yes, is sex-negative and slutshaming toward a woman who makes her own choices for how she will behave in her own relationship--the details and circumstances of which you know extremely little about, but which you feel perfectly entitled to judge nonetheless. Your presumption and privilege (of COURSE you are male!) in defining others' behavior as "evil" is arrogance personified.

I am well familiar with the book The Ethical Slut. Since you believe it to be a "phrase," I take it you are not.

We know that she insisted the LW lie. Nobody nice would ask anyone else to lie for them. As @Idreamofhorses said in another thread, monogamy is overrated but honesty is not.

BiDanFan and I are both ethically nonmonogamous women, by the way.
I apologize for the unwarranted conclusion that BiDanFan is male.
@80: I'm sorry, but "agreeing not to tell another soul as long as we lived" is NOT asking anyone to lie.

There's way too much judgment and unfounded accusations being hurled this woman's way.
"Our girlfriend did say that she can now tick off "threesome" off her list of life goals and that she would happily marry her boyfriend now that it's done."

You say that like you think it's a mitigating factor. It isn't.

Not only did she cheat on her fiance with you two in order to do this thing she's been pining after, now that she's had her cake, she intends to wall off all the hotness from the man she's marrying. What a nice way to (de-)prioritize the person whose sexuality she supposedly is binding to her and noone else for the rest of his natural life. By getting her rocks off clandestinely, and then putting that possibility up on the shelf, out of reach, for the rest of time. What a piece of shit she is. I truly hope Fiance reads Dan and recognizes his situation.

AT VERY LEAST she does not get to check "threesome" off her bucket list just yet, because now she owes Fiance one, with the hot girl of his choice, and maybe, if she's lucky, herself as Particpant #3. If she's not lucky, she gets to wait at home while he goes out and fulfills his fantasy with two other women, neither of them her, just like she did to him.
re: 83 -- and yes, I did read where Fiance is very conservative and monogamous, in which case I call the above "at very least" in the sense that more than "least" would involve a DTMFA and three previously working friendships and a potential marriage destroyed.
@80 a lie by omission is still a lie A conspiracy of silence to deceive is still a lie. Withholding information that fiance has the right to know in order to make an informed decision is deception. What makes it so damning is that they can be fairly certain that they know how the fiance would react. With "friends" like these who needs enemies. A marriage is a contract sanctioned by the State. Under contract law to knowingly enter in a contract based on lies and deceit is fraud.
What judgmental hypocrites you self-proclaimed ethicists are! As if you have never kept something secret. As if you have never withheld information from someone who would be influenced by the information if it were disclosed. As if definitively defining people by their weakest moments and actions is compassion. As if labeling people with snarky acronyms ("CPOS") is kind. As if revealing everything and anything that enters your thoughts is considerate. As if you are possibly as superior as you believe yourselves to be.
@79 Our girlfriend did say that she can now tick off "threesome" off her list of life goals and that she would happily marry her boyfriend now that it's done. her boyfriend is very traditional and views monogamy as the standard.

What more evidence do you want that girlfriend is committing to monogamy. I doubt that will last. The first betrayal is hard, it will become easier with each subsequent betrayal.

@86 I'm not being judgmental, just sadly observing human nature through the prism of hard won experience. I hate cliches, but "once a liar always a liar, once cheater always a cheater". Better the fiance finds out now and ends his relationships with these three people. He is operating under illusions about who these people are. It won't be just one lie, one deception; everything going forward will be a continuing lie and deception. When he finds out he is going to hate these people.

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