
I came here from LA 22 years ago. We will never become LA. LA exists because of The Industry, which is a breeding ground for self-absorbed assholes. People who leave LA for Seattle and can stick it out here are probably pretty cool. Like me.
Thanks for the repeated nudges about A Chorus Line. I memorized the original cast album at 13 but have NEVER SEEN IT. Just got killer seats, very excited.
Has anyone actually bought pot in our one store? I don't think they are even in business.
Poor dude (one hell of a hot dude, I suppose) - she was 240lbs!
@2 - How good are the seats, and do you need someone to go with you?
The corpse flower bloomed last night/this morning over at the volunteer park conservatory! Opens at ten but the smell will be gone by the end of the day, so if you're into that sort of thing and you want the full effect, get over there as soon as you can!
I saw A Chorus Line a couple nights ago and it was delightful. I imagine I saw the movie a million years ago, but it really is meant to be performed live.

Between Waiting for Godot, A Chorus Line, and Angels in America it has been a banner couple weeks for me and theater in Seattle. Bourgeois paradise.

As for pot. I know someone who has been to the Seattle store several times so it is possible to buy pot there. I have yet to make it into an open store myself. Apparently there are now two(!) stores in my non-Seattle neighborhood. That makes sense given there are a dozen or more medical dispensaries.
And you've only got a couple more days to see the fantastic Taryn Darr as Val, before she heads off to a gig in NYC!
@5, dang, I already hired someone to go with me! Decided to splurge for Saturday night 6th row center. Close enough that the cast will have no trouble spotting that asshole singing along. (I would never really, but it's going to be a constant temptation.)
@9 -- Good call on sixth row. It's the kind of production you want to be as close as possible to, so you can see every nuance of the choreography. I just got into an disagreement with my barista over whether it was good; he went last night and "almost fell asleep." Turns out he didn't have good seats.
Walmart sucks even more than you already knew it did:
Walmart is introducing a new dress code for its employees, but they’re not calling it a uniform… The retailer says customers are having a hard time figuring out who works at the store, so… employees have to wear black or khaki pants and a blue or white collared shirt… “Walmart employees are among the lowest paid in the entire country right now,” [Judith Conti of the National Employment Law Project] says. “And Walmart is asking them to buy new clothes to wear at work…”

…“There’s a legal difference between a uniform and a dress code,” says [Reuel Schiller, a professor at UC Hastings Law School]. If the cost of the uniform will actually pull your wages below minimum wage for the week that you bought it, then under federal law that’s illegal.

Schiller said Walmart skirts the issue—and passes on costs—by going with a dress code.…

Someday Seattle may achieve Kent.

But I doubt it.

And when will Women learn?

No means No.

Also Verbal Abuse...why isn't more said of it?

I sat in the very back of the main floor under the balcony, and although it was hard to pick up details, I didn't think it was that bad. Certainly had no problem hearing, which was a good sign, because The 5th Ave is notorious for being a sound designer's worst nightmare.
Meanwhile Coloraso makes big bank on MJ taxes.

One retail store for Seattle citizens - only ONE?

There are 1000 times more addictive wine cider beer tobacco outlets in the city.
Oh, and if you DO get stuck in the back or up in the nose bleed section of the balcony, do yourself a favor & bring some binoculars - or just rent them from Coat Check - definitely worth it for shows like this.
So, nothing on the pile of trash, $24,000 in rent (but no actual lease), cut off power and water, RATS, and squatters "rights"?…
We used to do the gnome kidnapping thing in high school and that was that late 80's OMG I'M FUCKING OLD.
Sashay, Chantae!
The real question is, why is the WLCB fucking with Seattle?

One store. One.
@21 It's ridiculous.
Because rape is funny when the victim is a man. Writing so glibly about a woman being assaulted in her sleep would not be tolerated.
sick to death of hearing idiots groan about folks migrating from LA to Seattle and somehow changing this city with their evil ways. what a simplistic xenophobic complaint which avoids the obvious...

Gentrification happens in most every major city. Seattle is not a major city and seems to just now be picking up on the fact that there are simply more people these days. everywhere.

And fyi, most people who come from LA are not actually from there. It makes them feel more cosmopolitan to say that than admit they are from a flyover state.
Spot on, @23. It's horrifying to see such a glib tone taken when reporting on sexual assault, regardless (and I shouldn't have to say this) of the gender of victim.
Filing the charge earlier in September, King County prosecutors claim Chantae Gilman sexually assaulted her neighbor during a night break-in more than a year ago.

It took them a year? WTF?
@26, if the cops treated this as seriously as The Stranger writers, it probably took them 9 months to stop making puns about sexual assault of men.
@3 - I have about four times now, but it's pretty convenient to where I live in West Seattle. The best way to know is to check their menu out on their website and see what's in stock and how long ago the menu was updated.

Expect a line.

And yes, the fact we only have one fucking store is completely ridiculous. Someone should start an initiative to dissolve the WSLCB and hire people who know wtf they're doing. If we built the entire system from the ground up, we might as well do it with our regulators too.
WHy, again, is the morning news covering a death from falling off an I-5 overpass a week ago, but not the person who fell off the overpass yesterday??…

Yes, the link contains outdated information, but the incident happened...
@28 What's their name? Is it Cannabis City?
@30 - Yup! Heres a direct link to their menu on leafly (what their site links to):…
@7: The movie version of A Chorus Line was shit. I have no idea why they gave direction of this seminal musical to David Atenborough.
The director's name was Richard Attenborough. David Attenborough is his younger Brother. After he won the Oscar in 1982 for "Ghandi," Attenborough was allowed to direct whatever he wanted & "A Chorus Line" was his pick.

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