
Luckily Washington is not part of the (misguided, incorrect, etc... ) Federal Appeals Court decision as we have our own State Healthcare exchange.

And as for:
Globalization and factory farming lead to these global factory nightmares
... while they may cause a lot of problems, in this case? no. Simple greed is responsible.
WTF Bethany?! How about a spoiler alert for the Tour?
The idea that having to pay more taxes is an injury is bizarre, but totally in line with the current right wing demonization of taxes.
Re: Tunnel money-funnel

So... the surface/transit option wins after all.
oh look, 2 bush-appointed judges made a political ruling that screws millions of people. I bet Obama regrets voting to confirm Griffith...
Dudes! Some of us actually follow the Tour de France and haven't watched today's stage yet and DON'T want to know results! Grrrrrrrrrr....
Field Roast sausages at Costco are great. The frankfurters need some refinement.
"Globalization and factory farming lead to these global factory nightmares. "

hmmmm yes old meat has never been repackaged and sold as fresh before, certainly not anywhere in Seattle in the past week probably, globocorps are truly evil geniuses
The People's President arrives! 25K-a-plate blue collar luncheon.

What an asshole.
why isn't anybody talking about that racist gun nut Ted Nugent coming to the Emerald Queen Casino. sponsored by the Puyallup tribe. Why is the Puyallup tribe supporting this racist. when others are turning him away see attached and why isn't the stranger doing a story on this…
@2/6: SORRY, truly, of course!
@9 Some of _the_people_ can throw down 25K a plate. It still takes huge piles of cash to do anything in our political system.

Yes. You are.
Thank you for redacting the winner of Stage 16!
@9: Indeed. To think that years ago I could have gone to a fundraiser at Hunts Point and met GW Bush only 2K.
@9 Your complaint is with the system, not the individuals. Children's hospitals are supported by big donations, too. Should they be chucked into the street for it?
@16: Funny how you did not care about pricey fundraisers when you were shilling for Romney.
Bethany, the Field Roast burger isn't super new (you could have tasted them at VegFest back in March). Field Roast had a Open House BBQ last month to celebrate their new building and the recently introduced burger, but I suppose your disdain for all things vegan made you overlook that event.

That strikes me as shrewd. Think about the type of people drawn to Nugent and the likelihood that they'll blow their paychecks at the casino after the show.
Why is it that people who don't want news about a sporting event think they can go to a news post and complain about news about the result?

If you don't want to hear the results of an event, don't click on the news! I would be sympathetic if it were in an unrelated post, or posted in the title, but in something labelled news? No.
@10: Ted Nugent apologized for those racist remarks.
@23: Well, if he called the (mixed-race) President of the United States a "subhuman mongrel" BUT THEN apologized, I'm ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CONVINCED that he's not actually racist!

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