News Jan 19, 2011 at 11:57 am


Time for a shot. Five overreaches left.
Regardless of how I feel about the content of your posts, Dale seeing them come up always makes me giggle, because I know the comments section will be a GREAT read.
Damn, missed a comma. The perils of posting via phone.
Skal, gus!! Uff da! Bottoms up!
PS I read that as "reach around"...
these stories also make for feral commenters on the s.t.

cut his balls off
At least it was short.
Dennis Dale said:
When I look at and listen to Michelle Obama I think one thing: Ball-buster. Industrial grade, pummel 'em into fine sand and compress 'em into diamonds caliber ball-buster. I swear when I watch him watching her speak in interviews I can see the trepidation in his mind about what sort of sh*t in search of a fan might spontaneously eject from that ferocious-looking underbite of hers. So anxious he looks almost entirely caucasian.

At least when he's president he'll always have a handy excuse for getting out of the house. Let's hope he doesn't nuke somebody just to prove she's wrong about him being a wimp who lets all the other politicans push him around.

I imagine Barry enduring one of her fierce tirades and thinking glumly, "should've married the white girl."

FYI if you're not allowed to access white supremacist websites from your work, don't follow that link!
@7 - Yeah, but it could have been 1/5 the length if he'd take a basic writing course.
Ah, racial subtext much?
Dennis appears to be getting the hang of things at last as far as the legths of this post. Huzzah! Will save my shot for later.
Oh and Dennis, you may have thought you erased your EVER SO EDIFYING post on the role of hip-hop in the French banlieue riots from your blog, but your friend Steve Sailer's still got a few paragraphs up:

Hip hop has its roots in African traditions of rhythmic chanting to extol the virtues of one’s self or clan above ones rivals. While this tradition has meandered along beneath the surface of the remarkable progress of African American music and was kept alive as an oral tradition, it would wait to become rap as part of the revolutionary DJ culture to spring up in the creative void left by disco’s exhaustion. Highly inventive DJs innovating the techniques which infuse popular music today, such as extended breaks, sampling, and scratching, and the nascent MCs who would improvise a rap over these extended breaks, would forge pop music’s most powerful genre since rock and roll.

Having come of age in the post sixties environment, hip hop was politicized early on, with some of its most renowned acts, such as Public Enemy, Nas, and KRS-1 invoking standard political boilerplate and cliche in their lyrics. Yet for all the political freight loaded onto it, rap remains a defiantly narcissistic art form primarily for young men to extol their sexual prowess and physical bravery, not very different from that early tribal chant. Rap is rebellion, no doubt about it. But what it rebels against isn’t a racist culture; what it rebels against is socialization—its stultifying, civilizing nature; what it seeks to replace it with is a clan-based ethos ruled by the physically strongest, cruelest, and most daring.

It is, above all, a deeply atavistic reaction to modern, egalitarian, democratic society. It shares with fascism its disdain for democratic institutions; though unlike fascism, which would institute ethnic nationalism and central authority in place of democratic or republican rule, rap has no analysis beyond a vague disdain for all that is unfamiliar to the narrow credo of the ‘hood; no designs other than the rule of the streets, race against race, clan against clan. As a political movement, and thankfully it isn’t truly that, it would be something worse than fascism; it would have to be classified as reactionary primitivism.

What one isn’t allowed to notice is how strikingly similar hip hop culture is to African tribal culture. The tradition of men procreating with various women who are then left to raise the children; the raising up and adulation of strongmen rulers; the clannishness; the recognition of power as a value in its own right and the disdain of weakness; the emphasis on personal ornamentation; the superstition and prejudice against the unfamiliar; the impatience with logical rigor; these are defining values of both hip hop and African culture. They serve to keep Africans uneducated and impoverished both in the mother continent and in America, and they may be doing the same thing in Europe.

@11, I'm not so sure of that. It appears to me that he simply has no endurance, and at three days in has already blown his load.
I love that the 'fundamental constant of violent crime' is a 'high correlation to gross stupidity.'
A correlation cannot be a constant by definition. A correlation is an indicator that one event is statistically more or less likely to occur given the occurrence of another event. A constant is a factor that contributes to an event's occurrence every time.

If the (utterly inane) point you're trying to make is that only stupid people commit violent crimes, just come out and say it instead of trying to obscure your meaning with a smattering of faux-statistical proclamations.
Canuck, if he were to get a reacharound that would leave both hands free for typing, which could only make his posts even longer....ugh...

Dang, planned barrenhood, good research going on in this thread!
I think Dennis the Menace here has a special place reserved alongside Loveschild in the Slog anti-pantheon.
"the fundamental constant of violent crime—its high correlation to gross stupidity"

Oh, look. It's a Fundamental Attribution Error. How cute.

You fucking ignorant old nimrod.
But maybe his posts would be a little more fun to read, gus? And I'm having trouble imagining him lasting all that long, so it could help with the brevity challenge as well...?
I'll get you for this, Dennis Dale's daughter!!
@19, hopefully she isn't the John McCain of Slog. DD *is* going away after this week, right?
Thanks. For some of my first work that stands up well. But the Michelle Obama stuff comes from a comment at thread one of those "hate" sites, during a period where I also spent much time and pixels defending candidate Obama as the sensible alternative to McCain, because of his erstwhile principled stance against the war. That didn't quite pan out, sadly. Indeed, had McCain won, we would still have an energized anti-war movement.
to add to #21, note that in addition to a deflated anti-war movement, we have a Pentagon-directed foreign policy the mean old man from AZ would be proud of (despite his disingenuous politicking).
Oh, "time and pixels", is that the Internet Conservative version of "blood and treasure"?

Anyway, yes, in terms of how often a person can vaguely invoke the terms "tribal" and "primitive" re: black people, you've clearly always been a talented individual!
Espresso, Crème de Cassis and Cream. Not awful, but I wouldn't try it again.

Now I can read the post & comments.
DD, I'll make you a deal: I'll stay off your lawn and you can stop your ranting, okay?
I don't think I've ever been so eager for the weekend to arrive than I am now.
No need to go searching out and cherry-picking obscure comments from five years ago; all the ammo you need is at my blog. By your definition I am a racist. Fine; if it isn't enough to renounce violence and promote true legal equality--letting the chips fall where they may regarding resultant disparate outcomes--then I say better a racist than a coward.
A for effort, dear Nurse.
See, DD's opposed to violent crimes because dumb non-white kids commit them. I'm sure he feels differently about white collar crimes (which harm 10s of millions of people), because they're at least done by smart white men.

I am starting a Strangercrombie savings account now, and next year in December, I'll wire the money to someone who can bid on this prize for me (since I'm usually out of country and away from internet when Strangercrombie runs). If I win it, I promise I'll divide the 10 posts amongst some of the most fun commenters.
@21/22, It's not the policy you espouse in those posts, but the unabashed racism.
Thanks gus! I promise to come up with something tastier for post #2 today.
As I've argued to the "racists" at those "hate" sites, our goal should be reconciling a diverse population to democracy, not, as we are currently doing, reconciling democracy to a diverse population.

I operate on the outlandish notion that these too are my countrymen. You all publicly revel in the imagined demise of "whiteness" and its general awfulness, and then wonder, po-faced, at the reaction you get.
As for that reconciliation, I may be naive about its political possibility (no group is likely to surrender its place at the spoils trough on mere principle after all), but I just wish the idea had an effective proponent or two in power.
@27, We don't even have to go as far as your blog, we only have to go to your last post here on Slog, where the NBA is the apotheosis of the Civil Rights movement, and the WNBA is a joke because women suck at basketball, herp-derp.
Mmm, cassis sounds yummy, more with that, please!
I thought Sarah Palin killed Tuba Man?
Guys, "raaaaacism" is spelled with five a's. Get it right.
@32, Yes, Dennis, you are a Patriot™. Your brand of racism and misogyny really is enlightened.
Yeah yeah, but... Can we all agree that it's wrong to stomp somebody to death? And then brag about it?

Can we all agree that the future for this young man is not looking too bright at this point?
It's not the policy you espouse in those posts, but the unabashed racism.

I'll call that progress, then, in all honesty.

We don't even have to go as far as your blog, we only have to go to your last post here on Slog, where the NBA is the apotheosis of the Civil Rights movement, and the WNBA is a joke because women suck at basketball, herp-derp

Yes! Thank you! I'm not hiding people. Let me have it if you must, but don't accuse me of being crypto. I am engaged in an experiment in forthrightness. I've come to some awful realizations about certain things, but I will not base my world-view on an argument to consequences.
add to #39
Before the literal-minded sieze on it, that's from consequences of course.
I thought Sarah Palin killed Tuba Man?

Blood libel!

That's a joke, on Palin. Before anyone gets carried away.
Seriously Dennis, your writing is terribly pedantic. You really should consider simplifying your style.
I don't see any racism in this latest effort (though in my defense, at this stage of the morning I am severely uncaffinated). And I agree with the general gist of the article; that this repeat offending, murderous lowlife is probably going to have a short and unhappy life. And (praise be!), the article is fairly fucking succinct!!!

So, good work DD.
"Pedantic" is not really the first descriptor I had for it.
@44, Personally I find it bombastic, condescending, and prickish.
@24 I'm thinking more of a cocktail instead of a shot this time. I'm going to do 2 parts cranberry vodka to one part cranberry juice with a splash of lime.
@27 No, you're a racist by the standards of anybody who isn't a racist.
@38: Yes I think we can all agree that this kid is an awful human being full stop.
Dude, Dennis, you whine about being called "crypto" and then 2 sentences later you declare that you've come to "some awful realizations about certain things".

Here you are wanting all kinds of credit for telling us all THE COLD HARD TRUTHS, but at the same time you lack the simple decency and courage to motherfucking spell out what you're talking about. Instead you take us on a listless, random, wordy journey to no conclusion. It's hilarious that you think you're being honest and brave by whispering in code words under your breath on a liberal blog.

Allow me one more example, would you?

Here I am slouching through middle-age; sexually I am hors de combat, as if by some secret but final decree. I lament it but the sentence is just--and just as well (I wouldn't join any club that'd have me for a member, and I wouldn't conjoin with anyone who'd have my member); I haven't earned any better.

Man... any other middle-aged dude would just get his ass to the doctor and say "I am having some impotence issues, what can we do about this?" You however, post that "sexually I am hors de combat" and go on to whine about society on your stupid blog. For fuck's sake.
All class, barrenhood. And increasingly desperate. You make a fine bully--here in anonymity, that is.
47: Here you are wanting all kinds of credit for telling us all THE COLD HARD TRUTHS, but at the same time you lack the simple decency and courage to motherfucking spell out what you're talking about. Instead you take us on a listless, random, wordy journey to no conclusion. It's hilarious that you think you're being honest and brave by whispering in code words under your breath on a liberal blog.

Mmm, this one is tres butch. I'm starting to get turned on.
Dennis, when you make egregious White Male supremacist statements, don't expect to be treated with respect. Intolerance of intolerance is the only acceptable form of intolerance, given what you have a long history of saying, and a brief history of saying on Slog, Planned Barrenhood's actions are all class.
@48: Well you *do* like to go on and on and ON, when going on and on would do. Buck up! Did you think posting on the Slog would be like pontificating at your own dinner table; your audience captive, forced to swallow both your opinions and their brussel sprouts?
50: Dennis, when you make egregious White Male supremacist statements, don't expect to be treated with respect. Intolerance of intolerance is the only acceptable form of intolerance, given what you have a long history of saying, and a brief history of saying on Slog, Planned Barrenhood's actions are all class.

I rather expect Dennis already knows this, since the academic/media priesthood reminds us daily, hourly, with every bite and breath. So he probably lacks expectation, other than the one you winners are fulfilling. But it's certainly brave of you to get all high and moral, just for good measure. Anytime you need to remind yourself that you're much, much better than those ugly "White Male supremacists," well, you just find a Dale post and go right ahead!
@ 52: Are you suggesting masochism then as a possible motive for Mr Dale's continued efforts here? I am dubious.
One more thing before I go. If, when considering these loaded questions, you have decided all that has been previously deemed racist can never be true, regardless of whatever new information may come in--congratulations, you are no longer engaged in the search for truth, but the defense of a faith. We in the reality-based community bid you adieu. The creationist community, engaged in their own fallacious, terror-driven assault on Darwin, are your philosophical fellows.
What's sad is seeing this shithead go on about how great white culture is as if it was his. It's not; it's got nothing to do with him. His world is as dead as a doornail, and he knows it. It's got no more use to him than these sandcastles he makes out of big words he doesn't know the use of have to us. Dennis's true milieu is what? The early bird special at Olde Country Buffet?

The apotheosis of the white supremacist worldview is the Iraq War. You're "against it", but it DEFINES YOU. It embodies you and everything you are, Dennis, darling. It's your culture, the one you're obsessed with defending. when you look up "white people" in the dictionary, there's a picture of George W. Bush there. He's your envoy, your surrogate. He's as good as it gets, going down that road.
Ooh, i can see your panties when you stand on that pedestal of yours...
(I hasten to add: not Fnarf's, the other one's....)
.. and they are getting bunched...
Jesus Christ, Dennis Dale, you're fucking stupid.
So glad you clarified, gus dear, because Fnarf seems like the sort who probably favours commando...

I think I get a whiff of it here:

his conspicuous lack of shame regarding the killing (or appreciation for the mercy shown him) suggests that on his block he's something of a celebrity:

It sure sounds like he thinks the black community is a-okay with murder, to the point of promoting an admitted murderer to celebrity status.
@54: Before you flounce off, could you possibly give an example of something once considered racist that has been redefined due to here to fore unknown information? Cuz that's a sweeping statement in need of some citation.
@ 55: What's sad . . .

Yeah, blah, blah, blah. We all take you word for how sad it/he/we are. Congratulations, you're the big winner.

The apotheosis of the white supremacist worldview is the Iraq War. You're "against it", but it DEFINES YOU. It embodies you and everything you are, Dennis, darling. It's your culture, the one you're obsessed with defending. when you look up "white people" in the dictionary, there's a picture of George W. Bush there. He's your envoy, your surrogate. He's as good as it gets, going down that road.

Hmm, interesting. It turns out, though, to be the reverse way around.

I'll make this brief, so the haters can get on hating.

First of all, you can drop the white supremacist meme, unless you need it to get off, in which case keep poppin' them pills. I've read a bunch of Dale and never seen any allusion to white supremacy. It's just that there's a racial, particularist quality to his outlook. (1) What works and makes sense to one race might not to another. (2) Overall, it's sensible to incline toward one's own race. Oooh, raaaaacism--yes, I know, I've been told. Scary and horrible. Anyway.

Anyway, on that view, democracy is not to be universalized. It was a product of particular peoples under particular circumstances. It's not a disease everyone can catch, so it won't do globalize it. Just won't take.

Yet, on the liberal univeralist view it most certainly IS to be globalized. When the Jacobins took over their logic in part drove them to start up the process of democratic imperialism that continues in one form or another. Once you decide we're all interchangeable automatons, economically and morally, and that we're all owed (a changing set of) rights, then you've implicitly committed yourself to a planetary invasion and reconstruction project.

That's inarguably a major part of Bush's messianic outlook. And his actual record is unreflectively multiculturalist. That his political career was traded on the support of a white voting bloc does not a supremacist, or even a mild non-liberal, make. He's yours! :) xoxoxo

A+ for enthusiasm and ferocity, though, Fnarf.
@63, George Bush is a multiculturalist? Imperialism is the product of the liberal view-point? Are you fucking insane?
'what works and makes sense to one race might not to another'
yeah ..that's prolly right. i mean since there's no individual thought among any of the races. yeah.. that makes sense to me.
Dear "Rhettro", you don't even know what race you are. But whatever you've got there, it's not scary and horrible: it's repulsive. We don't want to be a part of your party, however obsessed with the Jacobins (sigh) you might be.

We want you to fuck off to your own little corner, and do whatever the fuck it is you do there. You and your buddy Dennis and his cunt of a daughter. Go away. Can I make it any clearer?

We LIKE being multi-racial and multi-cultural. That's where the good culture IS. Yours? Not so much. The list of interesting or valuable things stuck-up white people (those who think they're all "anti-Jacobin" or something) have ever produced is very, very short.

We're better than you, in short. Straight white man culture is over, buck. I repeat: Olde Country Buffet. Get there soon, there's a special on pie in a few minutes.
i do likes me some pie..not as much as cake.. but i do likes me some pie...
You can do better, Riz. There's better pie. A lot better. I love pie a great deal, certainly better than any nasty old cake, but I wouldn't go there to eat it.
@54: if you are only looking for what is "true" in discredited racist tropes and are still today willfully ignoring all the blatant falsehoods, lies and malicious intents contained therein... then you surely are an asshole, & basically a racist..
Pie is the superior choice. There's good cake, and bad pie, but the best pie will always outdo the best cake.
Shit Rhettro, if you read it, it says 'endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights'. The idea is that rights aren't bestowed by anyone, they don't come with citizenship, everyone's got em. I guess if you don't agree with that, then rip the fucking thing up.
@69, not just falsehoods, but irrelevancies. It's not that they're getting a bad answer here; it's that they're asking the wrong questions altogether. It's just not INTERESTING. The more time you spend thinking about the, ahem, "particularist quality" of "what makes sense for one race", the less time you have to actually pay attention to what the fuck you're looking at. It's like judging movies by how brightly lit they are.
64: George Bush is a multiculturalist? Imperialism is the product of the liberal view-point? Are you fucking insane?

Oh, my--you're so right, aren't you? There's nothing at all to back up what I said. Embarrassing. I apologize. I don't know what came over me.

66: Dear "Rhettro", you don't even know what race you are.


But whatever you've got there, it's not scary and horrible: it's repulsive.

Yeah, got your bile. Noted.

. . . obsessed with the Jacobins (sigh) you might be.

I must be obsessed, since I mentioned a word to illuminate a point. Must be.

And then there was some more really scary bile. Really, it was scary. I was genuinely, like, intimidated and put off and all everything. You did really well with that.

We LIKE being multi-racial and multi-cultural.


That's where the good culture IS.

I'll take your word for it. No good art or culture was ever produced with white racial feeling. It's nice to learn these things again and again and again, after having learned them hundreds of times.

Yours? Not so much.

Apparently I'm narcissistic enough to think it all belongs to me, ME!!!

The list of interesting or valuable things stuck-up white people (those who think they're all "anti-Jacobin" or something) have ever produced is very, very short.

We're better than you, in short.

So I'm told, every day. Was this good for you, too?

Hey, don't blame me--Dale didn't ask my advice, and if he had I'd have said this project was foolhardy. PEACE!
@63 Irving and Billyboy and that whole often-wrong lot of criminals are yours guy.

Also, basically implying that all those darkies in THAT neighborhood loves them some curb stomping is pretty white supremacist to me.
@72: irrelevancies based upon ancient and worn-out imagined phantoms and manufactured metaphor.
Dale @32:

As I've argued to the "racists" at those "hate" sites, our goal should be reconciling a diverse population to democracy, not, as we are currently doing, reconciling democracy to a diverse population.

So enacting the 14th Amendment was wrong? Because that certainly reconciled democracy to a diverse population.

And I still don't know what you were getting at with the original post, though I agree with your assessment that dude is a feral teen. Did you have a point, were you just posting something you thought was interesting, or what? Based on your known posting history and the company you keep it certainly smacks of some sort of under-the-breath race/class dog whistle. Did you cut off the blockquote where you did because you wanted to point out that he had public defenders and you're outraged that public defenders got him a relatively lenient sentence? Are you trying to say that violent kids should be punished as adults more often and get adult-sized sentences? Or are you just posting to post?

Why am I trying so hard?


@73 - Yeah, Fnarf does that. He's kind of a douche most of the time and loves to just call names after he's fed up. Don't let him control the conversation any more than we let Dale.
@Rhettro, it's not even fucking worth debating you. You are one of the most scurrilous commenters that's been around these parts lately. Take your jackboots and march back to whatever militia complex you call home.
Dennis and/or Rhettro: Please answer my question. Can you give an example of something once considered racist that has been redefined due to here to fore unknown information?

@66: Fnarf you know I love ya, but calling the daughter a cunt is offsides dude. We have no knowledge of her motives in giving her father this gift and we have no idea how she is reacting to his being eaten alive by liberals, or if she in any way shares his views. Lets stick to excoriating his profoundly fucked up positions and leave his family out of it, could we?
@79, I don't think it's offsides at all; there are no offsides. I never signed up for any of this civility nonsense, and if I did, what would be beyond the pale is white separatism, not a earthy euphemism for a member of the Dale family. Yes, euphemism; "cunt" is much milder than "Dale" in my book.

I don't really give a shit what her motives were; she dropped this bag of shit on our heads. She knew what kind of stuff he was going to give us. Fuck her. Fuck the whole crowd of them.

You're wasting your time trying to debate these jizzbags. FUCK THEM. Eat shit and die. This is not a tea party, and I am under no obligation to be nice.
So, given that I'm somewhat new to this particular frat party, is this Strangercrombie auction always a visitation to one of Dante's circles of hell, or have there been cool ones in the past? (And I'm just waiting for the homophobe screeds to start...these things seem to go hand in hand.)
@81, I honestly don't remember the posts of previous Strangercrombie Slog-posting winners. Or winner; I have a vague recollection that last year was the first time this prize was offered. I'm probably wrong, though. I always think I've been posting here "about a year", when it's close to five.
@80: Yipe! Grumpy Fnarf haz a grumpy! I just don't think its fair to drag by standers into the fray is all. But you know me, I'm a softy. And I still love ya! Mwah!
@83, that's your prerogative. I don't see her as a bystander; I see her as a vector of poison. You think she never read his blog before?

Grump? Yes. I have a grump.
Who said tea? I like tea.
@ 85: Me too. I like tea too!
Robert L. Jamieson Jr.: "The thugs also seized McMichael, who was "on the ground in a fetal position trying to protect himself as the group was kicking and punching him on the ground," wrote a police officer who pulled up to the scene and saw the attack.

Two of the lowlifes, both about 15 years old, were caught. Three fled.

@87: Indeed, the moral bankruptcy of subject of this post is not in question. He is an awful, awful person and most likely doomed to a short and evil life. I think we all agree on that. I loved Tuba Man, he was awesome, and sweet and made people happy. His death was so unfair, and I think that makes people grasp for reasons. Race is the straw that Dennis has chosen to clutch.
@Lissa: Dennis and/or Rhettro: Please answer my question. Can you give an example of something once considered racist that has been redefined due to here to fore unknown information?

Redefined by whom?

Listen, do you really get the impression that it's worth airing any part of my outlook in this thread? It's not an issue of intimidation, just of effort and return.
So did Dennis just give up on this thread, or did he proper flounce? I can't wait to see if we will be the recipients of another paleoconserva-turd tomorrow.
@89: The question, in truth, is more for Dennis, as that sweeping statement was his. I included you since you two are of a similar point of view, and to be polite.
88: Race is the straw that Dennis has chosen to clutch.

Lissa, I must be missing something. I read Dennis's post and didn't see any mention of race. Stupidity, yes. Race, no.
Look at the block quote in @61 and read between the lines. Can you honestly deny that there's an implication there, especially given this author's predilections to call out the "savagery" of those coming from the Dark Continent?
OH MY GOD HE IMPLIED SOMETHING ABOUT RACE. So now we have to have a big to-do.

It's a shame you guys can't laugh at yourselves. You're missing a great joke. These "racists" you're conjuring up aren't obsessed with race--you are! It's not the straw Dale is grasping--it's one among many straws he's including, as part of a profile and portrait of a given situation. (Oh gawd, did I just say "profile"? Heavens.) On that analogy it's the straw progressives apparently refuse ever ever ever to look toward, look AT, touch, or pick up, let alone grasp. It's all culture, people. No race to see here! Just keep moving.
I can laugh at myself, can you in your reflexive hatred for so-called progressives? (By the way, don't consider myself progressive--that's your fucking trap and you can keep it.) Seems like you have a big to-do with your capslock and your shitty retort to Fnark.

Actually, he's blowing a dog whistle, very common and sleazy. A neighborhood, geographic grouping, doesn't justify a profile. But I guess we should just let him say and get away with: "Look, this ill-behaved Boy comes from this negro neighborhood. He's encouraged by those negros to stomp on Tuba guy."
I must have hatred, and it must be reflexive. Also, my retorts are shitty. Damn, you guys are good!
dirac, I read that quote (and then went back and re-read it) and I don't see any implication about race there. But then, I'm also not aware of Dennis's "predilections to call out the "savagery" of those coming from the Dark Continent." Perhaps that was on another post I missed?

Furthermore, even if his post had been clearly racist, I detest racism but you know what I despise a lot more? Scumbag thug asshole kids beating and kicking a man to death.
@97, No one here disputed that the kid's a scumbag thug asshole. But I don't think I or anyone else is off-topic by identifying people who use that event to confirm and expound their ideological orientation. Of course, it's not on the level of the asshole kid who killed Tuba Man, but I consider it pretty scummy too.
@88: I'd agree that the post contained no *overt* racism but that reference to the kid's neighborhood *did* kind of made me go hmmm. I think it was the rest of the stuff he's written here, (particularly his last flouncy comment on this thread) that's making me think that in a general sense race is his go to explanation for complex social problems. I dunno. Not really on my game this evening. And I haven't even done my shots yet! I'll try tomorrow to be a little clearer.
@97, Planned Barrenhood linked a couple of Dale's writings pertaining to race towards the beginning of the thread. I suggest you look at those. Also, did you miss yesterday's debacle about the WNBA? It wasn't exactly a shining beacon of racial understanding.

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