Film/TV Dec 10, 2014 at 4:00 am

Ridley Scott and Christian Bale's Badass Moses Movie Is Strictly Red Sea Pedestrian


I would be delighted to see a version of this movie set in Seattle, with the zombie molly armies of Ed Murray and Jim McDermott chasing Seattle's small businessmen from the city as they make their way to the promised land of Texas.

Lake Union would open up and swallow Murray, McDermott and the zombies, entombing them forever in a morass of regulations and "fairness" from which they can never escape.
At least we can say that this MOVIE actually happened. Not the events it portrays, but that someone made the movie and that it indeed exists.
Oh Christian, whoever talked you into that costume, did you no favors, either.
Maybe the 21st century could be the century in which filmmakers finally wise up and realize that the Bible is stuffed with nothing but goofy stories.
The best part of Christian worship is, and always has been, the special effects.
What's wrong with goofy stories? I love this sci-fi/fantasy shit. Does Bale get naked in it? That might do it for me.
Readers may want to consider a film that isn't even mentioned here: C.B. DeMille's 'The Ten Commandments' (1956), which tells the same story. One of the grandest films ever made. It's got everything: epic scope, memorable lines, camp, hokeyness, (OK, some 'goofiness', naturally), awesome special effects, a tremendous score by Elmer Bernstein - and Vincent Price! All in VistaVision and Technicolor. Chuck Heston actually UNDER-acts. Yul Brynner is monumental. The new DVD version is fresh, stunning, and powerful. Dig it! Aging Ridley Scott ain't no DeMille. He's certainly an interesting filmmaker ('The Duelists' is an art piece, and 'Legend' will probably be regarded as his finest work, even more than 'Blade Runner'), but maybe his 'Exodus' will emerge as a funkadelic classic in about 40 years. DeMille pulled off 'The 10 C's' when he was about 75. Maybe Ridley still has his best work ahead, but time is running out. (And I'll take Otto Preminger's 'Exodus' over Ridley's, any day...)
Of course, with the sensitivities of today's audiences, 'The Ten Commandments' can just turn into a three and a half hour smirk 'n sneer fest, as it just isn't cool to be wowed by this type of picture anymore. Still, you don't need to be a believer to get a huge entertaining kick out of the film. Plus, it's a superb example of studio technique of the time. Edward G. Robinson is great as a sleazy car dealer. I'm only going on about this because filmmakers today simply don't know how to do epic stories in the old unabashed melodramatic/sentimental/emotional style, so I wish they'd stop trying. They should stick to the goofiness they know how to do: sci-fi, fantasy, etc. Naturally, the studios wanna keep cashing in on 'Gladiator' & clones, so that's why these limp-dick epics still get made. They try to inject 'special effect realism' into stories that are much better treated with schmaltz, camp, and pure entertainment. Why make a pretentious, gritty, exploding pustule when you can have glamour, fun, wonder, and an all star cast? (BTW, the exodus story is wholly based in Judaism. Christianity comes later, I'm pretty sure...)
Did scale mail even exist that far back in the past? Then again I suppose historical accuracy is not a strong point in this type of film...
@7 we should forget Dreamworks wonderful and wonderfully unrated Prince of Egypt. I know turning the story of Exodus into an animated musical seems stupid, but this movie WORKS. And works well treating the story with sincere respect and focusing on the relationship between Moses and Ramses portraying them as two flawed men just trying to the right thing.
They should treat movies based on the Bible the same way that they treat movies based on other mythologies.

If they did something along the lines of the original Clash Of The Titans with the Bible I'd definitly go see it.

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