Elizabeth, its the big one! Wait, no. It isnt. OR IS IT?
Elizabeth, it's the big one! Wait, no. It isn't. OR IS IT? Mr.Vander/Shutterstock

Surely I wasn't the only one who started mentally gathering canned goods when I saw this article an hour or so ago.

An ocean data buoy is alerting to an “event” in the Cascadia Subduction Zone off the west coast of Oregon. This is where a magnitude 9 earthquake hit in 1700.
According to the data buoy, the water column height (depth) fell sharply within minutes off the coast of Oregon, signaling the land beneath the ocean has suddenly “sunk.” ...
This means a Tectonic Plate in the Ocean named the “Juan de Fuca Plate” has made a sudden, eastward movement and slipped beneath another Tectonic Plate named the “North American Plate.” This type of event is usually followed by a massive upward movement of the North American Plate causing a very severe earthquake.

It of course reminded me of THIS ARTICLE, which had all of us spellbound with dread last July.

But then I read this article, and now, fortunately, everything is fine again.

Claims that recent changes in the height of ocean waters near Oregon are signaling an earthquake is coming are false, according to the National Weather Service...

Laurel McCoy, a metrologist with the National Weather Service, said the agency looked at the data for the buoy mentioned in the story, which is located west of Astoria. The data showed "the natural fluctuation" of the ocean's tides, and is nothing out of the ordinary, she said.

We now return you to mourning for David Bowie and honoring the radical legacy of Dr. King, already in progress.