Is Governor Jay Inslee happy with the state of Washington State? Find out starting at 11:45 am today!
Is Governor Jay Inslee happy with the state of Washington State? Find out today starting at 11:45 am! Office of Governor Jay Inslee

John Stang says we're kidding ourselves if we think the current session of the Washington State Legislature is going to fix any of our big problems—from our unconstitutionally underfunded schools to our lack of action on climate change and our failure to fix Washington's unjust tax system.

But if you want to know what Governor Jay Inslee says, tune in to TVW starting 11:45 a.m. today for his "State of the State" speech. It's like the State of the Union, but just about YOU, Washingtonians!

Until then, it's time for Slog readers' annual one-word speeches about the state of our state. Ready? Finish this sentence in the comments: The state of our state is...