All the ironic stoned kids will be wearing Stoner Sloth gear now...

The Stoner Sloth campaign premiered this weekend in Australia, where it was greeted with howls of laughter, quickly disavowed by anti-drug orgs "credited" with its development, and immediately went viral all over the world. The Guardian:

A leading drug research centre has distanced itself from the NSW government’s bizarre “stoner sloth” campaign, which attempts to warn teenagers against the dangers of sustained marijuana use by depicting them as disturbingly oversized versions of the South American mammal.... The campaign was initially linked to the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPI), which has responded with a statement saying their involvement was limited to providing an initial basic analysis of other anti-cannabis campaigns, and some general recommendations. “In this case, those general recommendations were things like being aware that teenagers are intelligent and have access to a lot of information, so campaign approaches should respect them and give them credit by avoiding hyperbole,” the statement said. They said they were not involved in the campaign development and learned of the stoner sloth idea when the ads were released this week.

My favorite part:

In an embarrassing oversight, the stoner sloth campaign shares a name with an online cannabis store. Leave the Australian domain off and you will be directed to a website with the tagline, “enjoy every smoking experience.”