Remember how the Mormon church announced last week that it would refuse to baptize kids with gay parents? It's not going over well:

Advocates for LGBT Mormons say they’re seeing an unprecedented uproar in the past week about a new church policy banning the baptism of same-sex couples’ children and declaring married gay couples apostates. Some longtime advocates say they know dozens of Mormons quitting over the new policy. A public group resignation is planned for Saturday and reports are surfacing that church leadership may already be preparing to tweak the controversial edict.

“I’ve seen lots of painful things, but nothing so widespread, in terms of the devastation and heartbreak. I personally talked to dozens of people who are walking away. And these aren’t people with LGBT ties. These are ardent, faithful, in-the-box believing Mormons who can’t abide this,” said Wendy Montgomery, an Arizona Mormon who has a 17-year-old gay son and who co-founded Mama Dragons, a group for church mothers with gay children. When the group was founded four years ago it had six members. It now has more than 500.

The leaders of the Mormon church are no doubt pining for the days when churches could abuse LGBT people with absolute impunity—back when there was no public outcry, there was no need to "tweak" their hateful bullshit controversial edicts.

UPDATE: Leaving the Mormon church is complicated. But here's how you do it.