
Scarborough, a divorced Catholic, led off by posing a hypothetical to Huckabee: If a county clerk such as Kim Davis can deny legal same-sex marriages, what’s to stop another biblical literalist county clerk from denying a marriage license to someone who has had a divorce—especially since Jesus Christ explicitly condemns divorce in the Bible? In other words, how can Mike Huckabee cite the Bible while supporting Kim Davis’ opposition to same-sex marriage, but ignore the fact that she is on her fourth marriage—which, to a traditional biblical literalist, would mean that she is actively living in sin?

The best part comes when Mika Brzezinski throws down. She asks Huckabee this question: "Would you support a clerk who would not give Kim Davis a third or a fourth marriage license?" Huckabee dodges the question, of course, by essentially saying that religious bigots like Davis promise to discriminate only against gay people. So never mind that the exact same rationale Davis and Huckabee are employing to justify discriminating against gay people and couples—"Because Jesus and religious freedom!"—could be used to justify discriminating against straight people and couples too. Nothing to see here!

It's nice to see it dawning on straight people that the same rule of law that protects the rights of gay people also protects the rights of straight people to get out of their first marriages—just as it protects their right to second, third, or fourth marriages (aka "The Full Davis").