
Did you mean for the poll to have only 1 button? Reading the various quotes makes it seem like each should be an option.
You need to fix the different vote choices.
i've blather this before, but i'm motivated by all this to blather yet again: what's with the focus on Mars Hill in particular? half of the 'churches' locally are sorry scams (some of which have been around for at least 150 years). their followers and tithers have consigned themselves to sucker-hell. it's not that mars-hill doesn't deserve your attacks, but hellsbells there is falun-gong in seattle too; go after them for some equal coverage.
@3 It's a particular kind of egomaniac that has people's attention. Some one who thinks he's so goddamn better than anybody else, even for a Christian, which is saying something.

Psycho christians have next to zero place in my life, except when I visit Slog. I guess secretly I like psycho christians if I keep coming here.
Do we know exactly where Pastor Driscoll went on his "vacation"? Because, if it was some place with liberal tax-shelter or confidential depositor opportunities, I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if he doesn't come back at all.
Totally, Driscoll is a highly slick criminal. He makes the Wall Street crooks look like piggy bank robbers.
There is only one poll option, because the only thing Mark Driscoll could possibly say is everything. All at once.
@ 1,

It works so much better as a single quote because that's exactly what Driscoll would say... after sodium pentothal and coke-can-thick dick injections.
We died, Mark. You killed people.

So did Dan's clean-shaven, suddenly angry fuckups.


I exist in the world of language and fists.

Shit, I could even use a pictograph, if you could accomplish that.

If you have a problem you talk about it.

If that doesn't work, you fight.

But you don't kick a man when he's down.

Unless he really, really deserves it.

What you really, really, really don't do is what two of the factions did.

Because you kill people who die thinking they're damned.

But die anyways.

For no good reason.
I'd do this in person, but it wouldn't garner the council of elders and Mark himself.

I dare you to place me on trial. Respond. Any one of you.
I think he'll announce some diminishment of his role at MH and changes to the current structure of church governance. I don't think he'll address the accusations of mishandled finances. I would be shocked if he stepped down completely, and I would also be shocked if he tried to dimiss the charges completely or claim that he's being persecuted and victimized.

Then again, I've also been skeptical that a sex scandal would eventually emerge, even when everyone else seems confident, so my predictions are clearly outliers here!
i'm not christian. i don't care.
@14 Neither are the mars hill sheep. A true christian stays home, prays with his or her family and follows the 10 commandments.
@14, ditto. It's one of the few perks Jews have.

"a true Christian" does that mean? that stones women to death as prescribed in their freakish Bible? that *kills their recalcitrant sons, as ordered by their same bizarre Bible?
@15, 17: a "true christian" practices Agape, the love of God or Christ for humankind. In the New Testament, it refers to the covenant love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God; the term necessarily extends to the love of one's fellow man.

i was raised by guitar-mass catholics, and this was pretty much the only "true" part I took away from it - unconditional love of one's fellow humans. but it tends to get twisted into "love the sinner, hate the sin" judgment very quickly.
@18 The problem of course is that everyone thinks they are doing what the true believer. So your perspective is only valid to those who already agree with you.
What the true believer does, I mean

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