
It's an amusing to me that "libertarians" quickly abandon that position when they realize it includes military non-intervention
That's because libertarians are racist, privilege, white people who are trying to appeal to Republicans, who are the same only as militaristic and religious.
There is a fear that Rand Paul will become attractive to young, affluent, white voters who find certain aspects of Libertarianism appealing - which translates directly into a lot of votes from Seattle's tech worker class. They need to know the truth about Rand Paul, so thank you for continuing to blast him and his lies open. Keep it up, and help prevent him from gaining any momentum.
it sounds like you're rooting for someone else to get the GOP nomination, instead of the sensible position: for every republican presidential candidate to choke on their own bile and die.

Paul's ridiculous perm/hairpiece alone is reason to deny him the Presidency.
Why would a libertarian oppose same sex marriage? I get the religiosi having an issue with it (even though their issue makes no sense to me either), but aren't libertarians all about "do what you want, knock yourself out, freedom"?
@3 Thank you. As the Amazon cancer grows, the city will lean more rightward, and it's scary. I did a stint in the Kindle Marketing division (not the worst job I've had, but up there), and actually overheard an executive (mind you) small-talking about a WWII movie she had watched the night before, saying "and there was this terrible Resistance", not even considering what the Resistance was resisting (never mind her abject, deplorable ignorance), just the very idea of opposition being a bad thing. We cannot let these fucking popped-collar douchefucks steal our city.
@7 The Amazon cancer has long since metastasized. You should head for Portland before it's too late.
@7 "And there was this terrible Resistance"
@8, natch.
The Resistance was terrible? What WWII movie was she watching, and which side made it?

Sounds like one of Riefenstahl's.
Jess Spear and Rand Paul would make an amazingly dense couple
Oops, I just shat my pants!
@2, how many black or latino or gay libertarians will you have to meet before you admit how ignorant and bigoted your statement is?
Constant says...

He will say or do anything to become president. He's a man without principles.

I've no plans to vote for Rand Paul, but an Obama voter/supporter criticizing anyone like this is simple and obvious hypocrisy.
@5 - Many libertarians (or certain kinds of conservatives) argue that the state shouldn't recognize marriage at all. Which isn't an entirely untenable position; it's not one I agree with, but it's intellectually consistent, at least.

The trouble, of course, is that non-recognition of marriage is never, ever on the ballot, so the point is moot. Civilization everywhere has state-recognized marriage, and so long as it is offered to one group of consenting adults and not another, we have a condition of sanctioned inequality.

Let's make it five, representing at least the more common ethnic groups: say, one black, one Latino, one Asian/Pacific Islander, one First Peoples, and one from Central Asia, just to cover the bases. When you find them, let us know, m'kay?

Oh, and ANY of them can be GBLT, female, or gender-neutral.
Yes, no libertarian supports an anti-war position...ohh...wait:…
You're yet another twit who doesn't know jack about Libertarianism.
So, is this, the most successful libertarian candidate for governor ever, also a "privileged white militarist? "
I await your reply
@22 - he's the best spokesperson for gay non-white libertarians ever.

Okay, I am so fucking tired of this bullshit.

First, Rand Paul is NOT a libertarian, and has never, to my knowledge, said he is. His father is a paleo-libertarian who leans a bit right, but Rand is NOT Rand. libertarians hate gays and love war? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! That's like saying socialists hate big government and saying Conservatives hate traditional values. If you're gonna disagree with libertarianism, fine, but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, at least google what the fuck the word means first.

All libertarianism means is minimized government, maximized personal liberty...or, more conventionally, fiscally conservative, SOCIALLY LIBERAL. I have NEVER met or heard of a homophobic libertarian or, least of all, a pro-war libertarian.


But hey, what does the largest libertarian organization and the most popular libertarian magazine know about libertarianism?

I'm a libertarian, and I am 100% anti-war, anti-war on drugs, anti-death penalty, pro-gay rights and anti-surveillance society. I'm also anti-high taxes, pro-second amendment and anti-nanny state, which is why I'm not a liberal.

And no, most of us don't think the fire department, police, schools, etc should be done away with. I'd actually like to see education reformed and MORE MONEY put into public schools, only I say we use the money we're wasting on the wars and the war on drugs to do so, and not raise taxes.

But by all means, continue bullshit condemning of an ideology you're all clueless about. All such talk does is help our GROWING MOVEMENT grow faster. And yes, it is growing:…………

And here come the personal attacks without a single link to back up what they have to say in three, two, one...
@ 24, given the way YOU stereotype others, why should we give one goddamn crap about your sore bottom?
Anger Troll is Angry

All he has left is the voices in his head. That, and his insurmountable collection and love for katanananananas.
Oh what a surprise someone said Libertarian on slog and the deranged rabid utopian that is Collectivism_sucks came running. *yawn*

Personally I'm waiting to see what simplistic understanding of a political ideology CS. takes up next. After all he's already cycled through a child's understanding of communism, only to run stumbling to the opposite extreme a childish libertarian ideology. I'm gonna guess some religious cult shit will come next, say within 3yrs.
I was wondering why no one had brought up Breck Girl comments about Rand Paul, sorta like some dudes did with John Edwards, but then commenter said:
Paul's ridiculous perm/hairpiece alone is reason to deny him the Presidency.

And now it all makes sense. Is it a perm or a hairpiece?
@24: Rand Paul called himself a libertarian.…
No True Scotsman much, c_s?
Are there a lot of affluent young people, then?
@31 Self-identification doesn't make something correct, and no true scotsman would think it did.
@5: Because political positions are self-ascribed and plenty of fundamentalist Christians consider themselves "Libertarian" since the Republican brand is in the shitter.

Also being a Libertarian doesn't have anything to do with actually being interested in freedom, as practiced.
And a Klu Klux Klan recently said they aren't racist:…

Does that make it true? No True Scotsmen has clear limits. Someone who eats pork, sleeps with many people outside of marriage while drunk and uses a Koran for toilet paper and claims he's a "devote Muslim" is indeed full of shit, just as a pro-war, anti-gay, and pro-drug war person who claims to be a libertarian is also full of shit.
I predicted immature personal attack, and you delivered. How very predictable of you.
I see what you're saying. Just as many "liberals" are anti-freedom and pro-war (like Hillary) many "libertarians" are anything but. Real liberals often call themselves "progressives" to distinguish themselves from the Hilary types, and more and more I've noticed real Libertarians calling themselves Voluntaryists to distinguish themselves from the posers, like Rand Paul.
@35: I quote from your previous post:
"First, Rand Paul is NOT a libertarian, and has never, to my knowledge, said he is."
Consider your knowledge EXPANDED.
some excellent fear mongering / tech-blaming in here.

all techies are libertarians -- check

all amazonians are libertarians (+ voters) -- check

Nut Hair Paul is a legitimate threat -- check

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