
Vote for Prop 1 if you want higher rent.
Vote against Prop 1 if you want kittens to drown.
Prop 1 loses by ten points. You heard it here first.
Vote for Prop 1 to send all trolls to Siberia
Goldy sums it up beautifully:…
@5 goldy is saying anyone against prop one is a right winger when he knows that is not true. many dems are against prop one. it's backed by the zoo foundation that harms elephants, it's backed by downtown developers who want to use it to fund a nonprofit that will run the waterfront park, it's backed by a city council that wanted to give, and still wants to give billionaires $731 million in subsidies for a sodo arena, and they know the new parks district that is empowered to run any business -- not just parks -- can help out there. vote no now, then we vote yes on a levylisting specific projects. besides NOTHING the at large council proposals in its death throes year is something we should do if it creates a irrevocable new government like this thing does. JUST WAIT till we do have district elections THEN let's see if district elected council members want this kind of innovation. we the people told the at large council we don't like at large. why would we give them the power for one year to hand out benefits favoring developers under cover of a parks district?

and yes, it will increase your rent. every property tax does. when renters are paying 45% of income in rent, adding to property tax is just more regressive taxation, this council is bent on raising the percent paid in state and local taxes of the lowest quintile of income from 17% to 18 or 20% it looks like. they continually make housing cost more. why would we do that?
shorter @6: a bunch of lies.
I don't want kittens to drown.
@7 Where's the lies? Don't be a coward, present your opinion of the facts. It's much harder than just saying someone is a liar, huh?
@9 you're worried about truthiness yet post shit like " If Proposition 1 is Voted YES, we will find our Parks money going to land-developers. The only people getting the money will be new Parks for displaced Californians and their brand-new waterfront condos." It's not my job to invalidate your bullshit. If you're going to make outlandish claims, back them up.
@11 again. Yes. I spent 900 words explaining myself. You spent 26 words basically saying my posts are "shit". Your troll experience has gained +1.
oops. 161 words to 26.

I used "wc -c" vs "wc -w".
Write in Philip Morse-Fortier for County Prosecutor! I'll be better than some dumbass Republican!
If you're in the 43rd District, you should VOTE LIKE ME!

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