
Reagan unsuccessfully tried to get the nomination in 1976, but when was his other attempt? 1972? In any event, he didn't lose the general and then manage a comeback. Has there ever been a presidential candidate who lost in the primary, four years later lost in the general, and then came back and won the general? Nixon seems the closest, but even he licked his wounds for eight years.
115K represents - what? - maybe one-tenth of 1% of the total number of votes cast in the 2012 presidential election? Of which Romney received 47% or about 61,000,000 votes. So basically, he's being asked to run in 2016 by an insignificant sub-set of conservative voters. I don't think even he could be swayed by that tepid degree of support.
Ohhhhhhh, Raindrop........
Gay Dude For Romney is in heaven.
@2 - That's a very specific set of circumstances, but Grover Cleveland did lose the general election of 1888 and then won four years later.
Wow. Talk about setting yourself up. Comparing him to Ronald Reagan, are they? The President who raised taxes I don't know how many times, expanded government by a factor of three or four, had more indicted officials in his inner circle than any other president in our history, and simultaneously talked about eliminating taxes, reducing the size of government, and waging peace on our enemies -- great politician to compare your candidate to, folks. Side of mouth, may I introduce Other Side of mouth?

But, Saint Ronnie is revered by the Right! None of your pesky facts matter to these people - in their eyes Reagan not only could do no wrong (!), but furthermore, they consider him the greatest president of all-time, except maybe for Washington.
@4: Extremely remote. Ann, especially, and the boys are very reluctant to go through it all over again and I doubt that Mitt could be persuaded. But you never know.

It's far too early. There is plenty of time for a dark horse to emerge for ether party.
@2 're the late Pres Nixon - my favorite campaign slogan " Don't change Dicks in the middle of a screw, 're-elect Nixon in '72!"
America just can't resist those Harvard B School grads! Our U S of A is just one big old Case Study!

For this analogy to work it would have to be revealed the establishment hand-picked Obama's challengers in order to continue his presidency. Unless, of course, Romney is Mr. T, but then he'd have to call out MIchelle and end up losing anyhow.

Also someones running mate would have to get shoved and suffer a heart attack.

But Cleveland actually was president. So we've established that, if you're president, and you lose reelection, maybe you can be reelected later. But a perennial loser like Romney? Americans don't like losers.
@13 - I'm just saying, it just takes once to break a pattern that everybody "knows". The past losses hurt him, but they don't count him out completely. If he ran again and got the nomination, he'd still close to 40% of the popular vote at least. Or a new record could be set for a landslide victory. I don't know.
I think it unlikely Romney will run again. Nor do I think Jeb Bush will run in 2016. Assuming the Republican party remains on its current path the crop of 2016 Republican candidates will be a shit storm of vicious crazy (as opposed to the shit storm of stupid crazy that it was 2012) that no sane person would want to participate in.

@10, pat L: thanks for that wonderful quote from the late, great George Meany. One my other favorite Meanyisms: Dick Nixon, before he dicks you.

Also responsible for a wonderful quip about youth in Asia for Nixon, which at first blush seemed like a comment on the war, but when said as all one word took on a whole new meaning.
If nothing else, McCain made Romney look good in comparison. Palin was exponentially worse than whoever Romney ran with.
In the future, any time Slog mentions Mitt Romney, could you give him the same sort of treatment that Santorum gets?
@9 - Sadly, Mr. Romney was the cream of the crop in 2012, and remains there as the mid-terms approach. It's hard to believe that a dark horse wouldn't already be in the whisper/discussion phase at this point, it just doesn't work that way anymore (on either side).
Somehow I read Draft Mitt Romney as in force Mitt Romney to enlist in the military and I imagined him being dropped with a parachute to the edge of ISIS controlled territory somewhere near the Syria/Iraq border. I guess I was wrong.
@17 Heh, you're right: it took me way longer than I'd have guessed to dredge up the name "Paul Ryan" from my moth-eaten memory cells.

And you're right about McCain. At least he has the minimal quality for a respectable politician: he can fake sincerity. I can tolerate him for that.

Whereas Mitt is too transparently smug and entitled to fool anybody, and Palin is too stupid to do ANYTHING correctly.

I guess that makes Ryan the most dangerous of these also-rans, since he's just an empty suit full of vicious ambition. Kinda reminds me of Nixon...
I like how they're keeping the Aquafresh-esque logo around.
SIGH. Spoliers: Rocky Balboa won his title in Rocky II. By Rocky III he had become comfortable and complacent in his celebrity, and LOST his title to hungry up-and-comer Clubber Lang (Mr. T), leading to a crisis of confidence and eventual comeback (and win) aided by his new friend and former rival Apollo Creed.
I hate to say it, but Mitt might be able to beat Hillary Clinton: for one thing, he's neither Clinton nor Bush, but also there's a lot of people - including the women-who-hate-other-women crowd, who don't want Clinton, and he's a passable alternative for them.
@24, I agree, Clinton is oddly divisive amongst Democrats and frankly many of them will stay home if she's the choice in November 2016. The only thing that could help her is if there are really energizing candidates and initiatives down ballot from her for progressives to get excited about.

Romney could win not because he's any good but because the Democrats can't get someone who excites their base. Right now 2016 lenas slightly to the Democrats...barely.
@25 Given the likely choices for Republican candidate, I sincerely hope that sane people could at least get to "hold their nose and vote" against that shit.

I do agree about divisive and am certainly in the anyone but her camp for the primary. On the other hand, a significant portion of the Republican-leaning part of my family have expressed interest in voting her into office.

Unfortunately, there's Hillary, maybe Biden, maybe Schweitzer, perhaps Bernie to at least pull things to the left, the draft Warren faction and what?
I don't like dynasties. Romney wanted to be a dynasty following his father, and Clinton is following her husband. So, since I don't like either of them for that, I can hold my nose and vote for Clinton. I also don't like shitstorms of vicious crazy.
Republican bigots are so desperate they are willing to resurrect that guy? Fucking depressing. Poor bigots - they have no obvious leadership strong enough to grab the presidency. Fucking morons - what do they expect? Most of the USA isn't as stupid as they are, and most of us are interested in progressing FORWARD into the future, not into some fake-1950's Leave it to Beaver bullshit world of lies.

Republicans deserve the trouncing they are going to get. Fucking worthless shits.
Good luck with all that.

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