
Words can't describe how uninterested I've become in summer blockbuster shit on film. And oddly it started back with Independence Day and the Star Wars Prequel shit. From there it seems that out of every 50 heavy special effect/low intelligence script there maybe 1 film worth seeing. I think the Planet of the Apes movie was that film so I'm skipping this one.

(Seriously, I've seen better acting in gay porn than most of the stars in these movies can muster)
The one notable thing about this product is Gunn's Troma roots being co-opted by the Marvel franchise. And....that's not enough to get me interested.
@2, From what I've seen of the trailers, they've also grabbed his nuts and threw them in the trash.
@3, Well, the trailer does have the Runaways, but yeah.
I liked Rocket far more than any of the much-lauded motion-captured Apes.
I can't wait to see this. I've been chuckling at the trailers for it for months (especially the raccoon). I've just been praying they don't fuck it up. Now the reviews are almost universally positive. Yay! They didn't fuck it up.

I will see it this weekend.
Finally a great Space Opera. I kept thinking about the Star Wars prequels and even the Matrix sequels during the movie. How this movie gets right what other directors get wrong.

@2, 3 Can you be more hipster clichés?
Can you be specific about how the 3D is "bullshit"? Is that all 3D or just as featured in the Marvel movies?
@8 I saw it when Paul did. It adds nothing. Marvel uses it mostly for added depth and not that much of it. The wife and I are seeing it again tomorrow in 2D.
Just wondered. I've seen a few Marvel films in 3D but mostly in 2D. Seemed fine to me. I actually prefer depth vs. stuff flying out of the screen, etc. Don't always bother but I do try to see the movies in 3D that were actually shot with two lenses, even though conversions can be pretty good these days.
I don't much like CinemaBlend's 3D or not 3D column, for instance...some of the info is good, but things like taking your glasses off to try to see how blurred the screen is and therefore learn if you're getting your money's worth just seem stupid to me.
The 3D brings nothing new and is actually detrimental to the action scenes. Quick camera movements make the motions jerky and hard to follow.
My sweetie and I loved GOTG, even though we were forced to see it in 3D (We try to avoid 3D whenever we can, but our friend's kid insisted on 3D, and I really like my friend...). We're going to be seeing it again in glorious 2D this coming weekend at my sweetie's suggestion, which is odd because, as a rule, she hates Big, Dumb Movies!

Your instructions:
1) Go see this movie.
2) Enjoy.
3) Don't.

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