
The cure for religion might be an assfucking by a priest/minister/rabbi/imam, but nobody's suggesting that.
These people vote so don't laugh too hard.
Maybe the extensive history of imperialism, slavery, torture, murder, rape and pedophelia that makes us atheists uncomfortable in church. Not to mention being surrounded by mass-delusion is generally uncomfortable, no matter how benevolent the delusion might be. Fucking idiot.

That being said, it might be fun to go through an exorcism just to see the look on the faces of those who witness it when I come out of it giggling.
Only the wingnuttiest fringe will go for this guy. Despite his persistent lies, conservatives and veterans are going to have a very hard time with his record as disgraced ex-Navy and the actual story behind his court-martial.
I'd almost be willing to sit there for a day or two while some hapless pastor exhausts himself in a futile effort to evict Satan from me; but I'm going to want to memorize major sections of Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World", and maybe Pi to a hundred decimal places before I let them give it a bash.

After all, I wouldn't want them to have ALL the fun...
@6: I forgot the digits after the 72nd one =( In 8th grade I was up to like 140 at one point!
I love how not being like them requires a "cure".

God, this dude is so ego-centric that he can't even imagine that there are even other viewpoints, let alone entirely different cultural understandings of things he assumes are 'normal' for him. *sigh* How to get past those blinders? Humor, I guess.
@5: unfortunately this nut already won the Republican primary, and it's a heavily Republican district. I think it's more likely than not that we're going to be the beneficiaries of his mental illness for at least two years.
Just like any proselytizer, he misunderstands religion. If people love God, they will come to religion without being pressured to do so. If people love goodness, then that is enough, whether or not they pray. If you try to force religion on someone, you'd then you acknowledge that they don't so much love God as fear harassment or reprisal, and such worship-of-convenience isn't healthy for anyone.
State legislatures are a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
The current District 15 state rep., Mark Waller, beat the Libertarian candidate by 72% to 16% in the 2012 general election (no Democrat running), so Democrat Lois Fornander may actually do pretty well against Kray-kray Klingenschmitt in this year's general.…
Unfortunately, like the rest of the country, Colorado has its share of assholes.
What. An. Asshat.
"If the lactose complainer is so uncomfortable when they walk into the dairy aisle that there is something inside them squirming and making them feel these feelings of... hatred toward the milk of cows, don't you think it's something inside the lactose complainer that's wrong?

I have a solution! Let's do an evacuation and cast the intolerance out of them, then they'll feel comfortable when they walk into the dairy aisle. They won't have that squirming and that torment inside them. And they'll be free to enjoy the cheese of macaroni!"
@5: Yes, he was kicked out of Navy, but he was kicked out for being too aggressively jesusy. It might be the only reason you can kicked out of the Navy for, and still win an election in a Republican district.

and @11: You got that right.
Can you say "theocracy" ? I just bet he can.
Reminds me of the conversation I had in fifth or sixth grade with a girl who figured that since I didn't believe in God, I must worship the Devil.

I think that's when I learned to shut up and not try to talk sense to some people.
@5: Allen West committed war crimes and not only did he get elected, they regard him as a hero.
@4 and 6

Yeah, go get exorcized by the good pastor and his congregation, see if they don't turn you into a sobbing heap of broken bones and mind.

You brave chaps think this exorcism business just consists of nice talks ?

My bet is that when this guy says "exorcism" he means full-fledged torture. Hey, he's gotta make your body really uncomfortable for the demons of atheism to flee right outta there !

If this guy was let out of the Navy, methinks his jesusy agressivity was not only soft-spoken nice words, right ? The Navy itself thought it had to protect the Marines from him - but you would gladly surrender your body and mind to him and his zombie followers ? Without any supervision ?

You don't known what fondamentalism really is, do you ?

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