
The civilian victim of the Las Vegas shootout a couple weeks ago pulled his gun trying to be the hero not realizing there were two shooters, one of whom promptly shot him. The shooters were already done shooting cops by that point, so the "hero" wound up getting killed for nothing.
This is off topic, but I've never heard of Chekhov's Gun until now.
Would it work if they just shot each other?
@3, how often do you think these nitwits hit what they're aiming at? I'd hate to be a normal person grabbing a bag of Erin's White Cheddar Popcorn and have gun nuts go off next to me.
At the end of the Trayvon Martin controversy, I remarked in an online thread that Zimmerman had achieved the American Dream: he shot and killed somebody and got away with it. I got death threats for saying it.
I'm waiting for the day when Open Carry meets Stand Your Ground.

A guy brings his big-assed-gun with him, someone else feels reasonably threatened. Hilarity ensues.
Retail outlet Target is making headlines today for requesting open carry nutballs not open carry in their stores. Good for them. Hopefully and eventually the only places nutballs will be able to open carry will be gun ranges and designated hunting areas.
I'm guessing that shouting "look out! he's got a gun!" over any P.A. system in Georgia wouldn't be deemed protected speech ..?
The craziest part to me is the police aren't even allowed to ask for someone's gun license: "under the new law no oneā€”not the cops, and certainly not a random good guy with a gunā€”can demand proof of licensing from any other armed citizen."
@4: Normal people haven't heard of Erin's White Cheddar Popcorn.
Maybe every town creates a dusty Main Street where "open carry" guys (sounds kinky) can stare at each other & then "draw"?
I personally think that open carry is the way things should be and concealed carry is the real bad times.

If your goal is to scare people off, you shouldn't have a pistol tucked in your belt, you should have a rifle slung over your shoulder.

It also has the added benefit of getting you ostracized if you go into a crowded public area with your gun which is exactly what should happen to everyone with their little revolvers and whatnot anyway. You can either feel protected and safe with a gun in your hands or you can feel welcome among the populace, not both.

However, if you want to roll Wyoming or Montana all day and night with your double-barrel I'm sure you'd be fine. See how this works out so much better?
Does this open carry thing work with swords too? Because my dad always says that if everyone carried swords, people would be a lot more polite.
So, in other words, it's going well. No major problems.
As a pro-gun guy, I'm really getting tired of the open carry fucktards.

On another note, I find it interesting that a license is required to carry a weapon in Georgia, open or otherwise, but you don't need a license in Washington.

Who woulda thunk that our gun laws would be less strict than Georgia's?
I'd like to take the American South, saw it off and set it afloat - let them have their own little world of evangelical Christians, bigots and guns - an island of insanity afloat in the Atlantic, no longer dragging down the rest of the USA.
So, nobody got shot.

ā€œIf you're walking around with a gun on you, especially if that gun is in plain sight, you become the hero of your own action movie in your head.ā€

Are you speaking from experience?
Do you have empirical data to support the fact youā€™re asserting?

Or are you just making this stuff up?

When Iā€™ve open carried Iā€™ve been more focused on how Iā€™m going to pee without my holster, gun and clips pulling my pants down to my ankles (that shits heavy). Never occurred to me I was the hero of an action movie. Just thought it was irritating that the grip of my sidearm kept getting caught in the arm of my chair when I went to get up.
As 5280 notes, what Little Paulie Constant shows is that this law hasn't apparently made Georgia more dangerous.

Having said that, I have no empathy for people who carry lethal weapons in public. I own one gun, a family heirloom shot once a year at our family reunion with my brothers. Otherwise it's locked in a safe with the clip and ammo elsewhere. It's a tool I simply don't need for everyday living.

As to the editorializing Paulie engages in- usual lefty histrionics with no basis in reality.

bigotry, hatred, and fascism are all progressive values.
Wait, you mean there was an argument and somebody got arrested?

To those saying "no worries, nobody got shot", let me remind you that we shouldn't wait until people actually start dying before we try to solve problems.

@20: Clips? I think you mean magazines.
@21: When you fire it once a year at family reunions, please tell me you use blanks. Otherwise, may I recommend you read Deadeye Dick by Kurt Vonnegut?
@22: Um, actually fascism is by definition conservative. It's authoritarian nationalism. Bigotry has its roots in xenophobia; anyone can be bigoted, but right now it's far more established in right-wing circles. I'll say that hatred is universal though. I sure hope your just trolling with that made-up weak sauce.
"An armed society is a polite society" said Robert Heinlen.

Well no.

Canada is a polite society. Sweden is a polite society. New Zealand is a polite society.

Our society?

Not so polite.
I think Seattleblues claimed to own no guns last month.
@26: He DID! :O
Seattleblues surely wouldn't lie or contradict himself, would he?

@27 Well to be fair in Subhumanblue's world it does get to pick and chose what "objective reality" is at any given point in time. So no within it's own reality Subhumanblues is being totally consistent.

Correct. I meant Magazines. Thank you for bringing the error to my attention.

The gun belonged to my father, and his before him. I hold it in trust for my nephew until he's old enough to understand what owning it means. So saying I owned a gun was a slip.

If you'd put half the effort into fact checking your own fellow travelers outright lies, laughably silly ideas and general childish worldview you put into my lightest comment you might actually learn something. This says nothing of the hstefilled bigotry and profanity laced vulgarity that passes for political discourse with lefties, but that's an approach issue.

We even agree on this one mostly, you reactionary lunatics. It's merely the idiotic histrionics of Little Paulie with which I disagree, and his wild imaginings. Not whether it's in essence a good idea to carry guns in public spaces.
@30: "This says nothing of the hstefilled [sic] bigotry and profanity laced vulgarity that passes for political discourse with lefties"
Remember the stuff you say whenever Gay marriage gets Gay legalized in a Gay state? You know, going on about how "fags and dykes" are destroying marriage? If you want to see "h[a]tefilled bigotry and profanity laced vulgarity", just read your own posts.
Also, it's rich of you to accuse others of lying. I shall remind you that you have time and again stood by your ridiculous claims that:
-the Earth isn't getting warmer
-there's no such thing as sexual orientation
-hate crime laws give special rights to minorities
-gay marriage will destroy straight marriage
-evolution is fake
Do you deny any of those claims? If you were an intelligent and rational being, you'd deny every one of them.
Lets just pretend that Open Carry hasn't been the law in Arizona for decades
Paul Constant wrote: " I bet the person working behind the counter of that convenience store doesn't feel safer, now that open-carry is legal in Georgia"

What do you mean Paul? Here's a little education for you - open carry has ALWAYS been legal in Georgia even since the days when Georgia was just a colony. At some periods in Georgia's history you could open carry a pistol without a license, but now you need a license to legally carry a pistol openly or concealed. And convenience stores in Georgia have always been legal to carry in, though a store could use its property rights to throw out anyone for carrying if they so desired.

I haven't seen any no-gun signs at any convenience stores, so I guess they are not concerned with lawful carriers bringing their guns inside. Criminals won't obey signs anyway.

The nut that caused the trouble has been arrested before, and was a nut before HB 60 was passed. HB 60 did not make him into a nut like you'd have us believe.
Cops open carry their weapons because when seconds matter, he who pulls first wins in a defense situation. The second between lifting a shirt to access a weapon can mean the difference in life or death. Why aren't people calling cops idiots, gun nuts and the other names people want to label citizens that by law are allowed the same advantage? Why aren't people so afraid of seeing a pistol on a cop, yet on a law abiding citizen they get scared because of their "emotional fiction" with firearms? Some people just don't get it. Responsible gun owners are well aware of safe handling of their firearms, know the laws pertaining to firearms and are proficient with the firearms they carry. There are severe penalties for people who are not responsible with firearms, as well there should be. Criminals don't care either way, they will carry and abuse firearms as usual. However they wont open carry, the risk of being caught is too great for them to do so. After all not getting caught is part of their game. Treating and looking upon law abiding citizens as criminals by exercising their method of carry allowed by the law and not breaking any law is asinine. I open carry at times, especially if I feel it to be in the best interest of me and/or my families protection. I also carry concealed most of the time, if I don't feel the need is great to carry openly for a quicker response time, I have that choice. Consider this, the SCOTUS has ruled that the police are NOT obligated to protect you as an individual. That's right, in other words you're on your own. The are there to serve the public as a whole, but not you as an individual. Oh they will still respond if you are able to call, but when seconds or even minutes count, you are on your own. Ok I have heard the arguments that, "I'm a man, I don't need a gun to protect myself"' lol, really? Your hands are no match for a criminal with a gun. But fine, take the chance be a man if you think that's the way to go. I am a man that puts my families and my protection first and foremost. My family needs me and I need them. Don't tell me I don't need a gun for protection and shouldn't have one. You cant make that choice for me, just as I cant request you or anyone be responsible for you and your families protection. Be secure in your false security that the police are but moments away by phone if you need them. They might get there in 5 minutes if they are in your area at the time, doubtful, average response times can be anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes in some places depending on where you live. And that's when seconds may count, they most often show up after the crime has been committed to investigate and write their reports. Sometimes they investigate murder, rape, assaults and other violent crimes when they finally arrive. That's if you call, the dead don't call. Some believe law abiding citizens are not peacekeepers and have the police training to carry. Lol, I'm not carrying for my protection to keep the peace, its for my defense. I might use it to defend others I don't know, I probably wont because like I said "you're on your own", and I don't need any added liability. Label me as you will, but hope you don't end up on a table with a toe tag labeling you as John or Jane doe.

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