
Meanwhile in N Ireland the Catholics and Protestants finally have a shared goal in vile homophobia. Seriously, fuck religion.
Going on paid speaking tours, and answering teenage questions about sex is extremely helpful toward these matters. Thank you Dan for your fight against child abuse!
QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ call the waaahmbulance

So, you'd prefer that Dan be unemployed and unable to provide financial security for his family?

You DO know there's no award for "Stupidest Internet Comment of The Day", right?
I'm confused. Are you insinuating that ALL Catholics beat their children?
@6: I'm not seeing anything that implies all Catholics do anything. The birth parents are Slovak and Catholic, and they claim both cultures disagree with gay parenting. The child beating is what got their kids taken away, and is unrelated to the complaints about who got their kids. I'm just seeing whiny birth parents with entitlement issues.
This may have been asked already (and answered) but ... do you have a running score on the vast number of these posts? Just listing them day in, day out makes a dent, yes, but I think if there were some way of keeping a tally of the number of irresponsible, criminal, thug parents who appear in these columns it might make this whole horrid mess more media friendly. As in: Dan Savage's body count has risen to 13 more straight parents in a single week....

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