
Amen to that one Dan.
Amen. This guy is a manipulative creepazoid, & the sooner HLTL backs away from him, the better. Also, LW, plz. take Dan's advice & bring this up w/ y our therapist, not just in a, what do I do about this, way, but a, WHY am I doing this? kind of way. this 5 week guy coulda been sorted out in a couple of weeks, tops. Value your time.

Hope you sort it all out. Dating post-online-stuff has gotten way better in some ways, worse in others. That Skype on & off stuff (which I've seen happen w/ other couples) is one of the "worse", IMO.)
Seriously, stop being such a "fixer" to a loser. It doesn't matter why he's a creep, he just is and the only thing you're doing wrong is bothering with someone who doesn't belong in a relationship and who makes you feel bad about yourself.
Who knows why he did what he did? You never will.
Maybe he thinks that his behavior is Dommish; maybe he's punishing you for being a "whore" (even though that's what he asked for), when he wants to date a "madonna."

But really, who cares? Maybe he's damaged goods and maybe he's just a sadist--and not just in the bedroom. Either way, he's making you crazy and you don't need that--not from from someone established in your life, and certainly not from someone you just met

Focus on taking care of and figuring out yourself. Why would you continue to set yourself up for this abuse? Value yourself more than that . And that stuff that the self-help books say about this is true: no one will value you unless (A) you value yourself and (B) you demand it of them.

When you deep-down know that you deserve to be treated well and won't accept anything but, when you expect to be treated well and don't have the time to suffer anyone who won't, it will be apparent. You will give off subconscious signals, which will help to self-select for assholes. They will "naturally" stay away from you; decent human beings, conversely, will be more drawn to you. But you have to really believe you are worth being treated decently.

Tell yourself: "What he thinks of me is none of my business." Repeat as necessary.
that guy is for real when he says he likes control. you're letting him control you (see the shaving, willingness to meet him on skype & go out with him despite his strange behavior) and he's not even putting the time in with you. i wonder if he gets off on your frustration. he sounds like the kind of dude who has confused d/s for straight up misogyny.
(@1, didn't mean to copy you on the "Amen." ;) Got interrupted between when I started typing & hitting "save"..)
Ummmm...the answer is RIGHT THERE. She says he told him that he likes to "have control in the bedroom:" Well, it seems he's getting exactly what he wants--having control of her in every way possible.

So unless HLITL likes being the object of this manipulation--and it sure doesn't sound like she does--then, yeah, DTMFA, as soon and as definitively as possible. (And if she DID like it, I'd say she needs to talk to him about boundaries and such right away; if he wanted to find someone to manipulate like that, he should have been more clear about it.)

Frankly, HLITL, if your therapist's first instinct wasn't to ask you why the hell you were investing any time or interest in this asshole, you need a new therapist as well as a new online fuckbuddy.
@6, great minds and all that. ;)
If someone was pulling this shit with a friend of yours would you encourage them, or would tell them to GTFO as soon as possible?
Closet case?
@8 Hell, if HLITL's therapist actually said something as definite as that she should DTMFA, and she still needs to shop around for further advice, she ought to shop around for a new therapist as well.
Most likely he's a grade A creepazoid. But I did wonder if maybe he found out he had gonad cooties and is waiting for the meds to sort that out before he bumps uglies with anyone. Doesn't explain the forehead kiss, though. OK, grade A creepazoid it is.
The easiest (as well as confounding and most confidence-toppling) way for a controlling asshole to control someone who's more than willing to fuck is NOT to fuck. It's SO not about you personally.
He probably gets off on stringing people along and acting all aloof and critical. I'd stay away from him and others like him.
@11 EXACTLY my thought: he may not even realize he is gay but I am willing to BET that eventually he comes out of his mental closet and comes out in life too.

Meanwhile, he is a self-absorbed asshole, who NEEDS to be dumped fast and completely--do not pass go, do not collect $2000--just delete him and block him RIGHT NOW.
How long is too long?

Answer: Three paragraphs. By the second one I said "DTMFA" and skipped to the end.

By the way, this kind of bullshit is what "DTMFA" is used for. It doesn't just mean "break up", as I've seen some people use it, it's intended for assholes who badly need to be dumped and the people who badly need to dump them.
Additional point nobody bothered to mention:

[My therapist says I should DTMFA, that there's something wrong with a straight man who would turn down a casual fuck date with me.]

Far be it from me to White Knight for Teh Straightz Dudez (which Mr Savage does so much better than I ever could; I'll be good and avoid speculating about why), but - really? there is NO valid reason for an opposite-sexer man to decline LW's offer of a casual boink? (should I Mauve Knight for those of the bi persuasion and gripe about erasure?)

I will not quarrel with DTMFA, but I require the addition of DTFTA.
You should have dumped him as soon as he slut-shamed you. And why did he ask for a fuck date he didn't want? Simple, so he could insult you when you accepted. He likes mistreating you. That's why he is doing most of what he is doing. There are red flags all over this situation.
Agree with everyone else that you should dump him. Am also surprised that you haven't come across this type of guy before in the dating world, as he's exceedingly common. He's the guy who drops breadcrumbs along the path with signs that say "relationship this way". Meanwhile, the path he's actually leading you down is mostly just for the sex. No matter what words come out of his mouth, believe his actions. Plus, at this point it looks like all he's after is the amateur porn. Whatever the worst that you think about him is, believe that version rather than the sugar-coated version that makes you think you can change him into who you want him to be. He's as big of an asshole as you think he is or worse. It's not your fault and never was- you can't change him!
@18 I'm guessing her therapist was just saying that as an expression of sympathy, in the vein of "whatever - his loss!", but it kind of stuck in my craw too. (Straight men just want to fuck anyone who's available, anywhere, all the time! If they don't, there must be something wrong with them! Right???)

I mean, in context, it does make him look kind of crazy, since he was the one who labeled it a "fuck date." Dude is a douche-star who will explode into a super-douche-nova given enough time.

@21 Bothered me too because it would be extremely unprofessional for a therapist to comment on the fuckability of his/her patient.

Is it bad that I read most of the letter thinking "typical startup engineer"? At least in terms of only having time for work and being a bad communicator.
Pickup Artist?
@16: Good God, no. There are plenty enough fucked straight people and lifestyles that it's a silly assumption.
the guy's playing games with your sense of self-worth. DTMFA.
This is just her summary of what her therapist said, let's remember. It very well may have been more nuanced and has suffered from condensing.
Yeah, agree with Dan. The LW can do way better.

Besides, this guy will have a dozen or two dozen hot women lined up to fuck him and try to "figure him out and change that bad boy to marriage material" anyway.

It's a win for both of them.
Morton's Fork. I can readily enough believe that some therapists would actually say that; not all therapists are any good. But it doesn't really matter. I can equally readily believe that LW twisted some unexceptionable comment of therapist's, but that's proof they're a bad match, although we can't tell where on the spectrum it falls. It's a DYA instead of a DTFTA, but Morton's Fork still applies.

Also, there is the remark of Mr Savage - [I agree with your therapist.] And this is the only statement LW puts into therapist's mouth. Mr Savage's comment works as sarcasm, as he clearly sees enough damage in LW that one can hardly say she "deserves" (a big LMB) Hr Federer, Sr Nadal or even Mr Murray. But I doubt I'll sleep easily.
But I row with a crew and work in an OR. I get up at 5am on weekdays

Oh dear, you've said one my trigger words.

You see, back in the day, wife decided to take up crew again, which meant getting up at 4:45am on weekdays and going to bed at 9pm. That didn't leave much room for socializing and fun times. After an unhappy year of that, we were leading separate lives. Had it gone on another year, I would have left her.

So, I can't help but think there is something sort of pathetic about how LW, a 25 year old woman, has nothing else to do in the evenings and can't stay up past 10:30. That's boring and sad.

LW - drop crew and take up a sport that contributes to your having a life. Or date a baker.
@22 Yep, that too.

@29 I once dated a guy who was recently divorced. His ex-wife was a rower who got up at an ungodly hour. He blamed their divorce on her alarm clock.
He gets off on humiliating you and the fact that you let him makes you seem absolutely bonkers. Work on your own issues, not his.
She's 25? REALLY?

Was she raised in a convent?

No disrespect, but for a grown-ass woman to be talking like this about a man in the twenty-first century is giving me serious pause.

(I am going to resist the urge to talk about fish and bicycles, because that's a seriously old trope, but still...)

While I stand behind Dan's response, I'm seriously questioning if the LW is truly non-fictional.
Much as I hate to own a connection to this sad scenario.. I have to. My suggestion, look up Narcissistic Prrsonality Disorder.
Wish I'd know about this, before I got with a man I spent 30 yrs with. One I had 5 children with. But of course, having an abusive Mother, programmed me for his self centred story. No excuse.
All sites re Narcissistic Personality Disorder say/ Cut All Communication.
And it's true. It's only from a distance.. That the manipulative games really show themselves. Cut This Man Out Of Your Life NOW.
From my own sad experience (though a somewhat lighter version of the above), after you start ignoring him, he will act really surprised and confused and try to contact you. I would strongly advise you to tell him he's a fucking asshole before blocking his number, even if it sounds silly, just to make you feel better.

Also, a therapist giving such straightforward advice (if it's really what happened) is not a good therapist. Not to mention that this guy's a douche not because he turned down the sex with you but because he acts as if you were a whore for agreeing to it, judges you for wanting to call him, tells you it's unattractive (!) and otherwise fucks with your brain, and all this in the first few weeks of knowing you. You even say that maybe you rolled out the D/s stuff too soon when he actually brought it up first. Come on!

Let me guess, when you meet someone interesting, you think of them all the time, want to talk to them every day, and are ready to jump into bed at the first opportunity. Guess what, that's okay, and you deserve to have all that and you need to look for people with whom you won't have to tone it down and pretend to be aloof and busy 6.5 days per week just to seem 'interesting'. It should never be so hard as this.
@29,30. Speak for yourselves. While many people love the night life, just as many of us don't. 10:30 strikes me as Up Too Late, and getting up after 5am is Sleeping In. The number of people who prefer mornings to evenings is large enough to form a viable dating pool. There's no reason she should have to give up her hobby to find a sex/love relationship.
@35 My schedule is different, but word about the night life. I think what's "boring and sad" is staying out in bars and clubs until 3 am or later hoping to meet someone.
I am guessing that this guy is playing the field. I think he is doing skype for "verification", because he probably just skyping half of brooklyn each day..

If the guy is into you, he will make time for you. Everything kind of points that he is juggling lots of balls in the air, concerning the dating scene.

Just move on, and Dan's advice is very spot on...
To clarify.. I feel what Dan says is true.. Work thru with your Therapist what is catching you, how this Man is hooking you in.
Because, if you don't/ this Man, or someone similar, will continue to hook you in.

LOVE the Nancy Drew line!
What's the damage?

-Penis issues. Why else make you wait so long? If you haven't seen video evidence to the contrary, I'd assume he's sh*t in the sack despite his promises.
Just curious, why need one row at the crack of dawn?
Anyone else wonder if this guy isn't just uploading her pics and videos to xtube or some similar site?
it's when nearly all lakes have surfaces like glass

and no, letter writer, you did nothing wrong, you may need a little help recognizing who is and who isn't worth your time. A person that makes you feel rejected and unattractive is not the type of person that requires a counselor's advice.

I wouldn't block him, since it may help you self-esteem when his funny and creative personality returns instead of one of the dick-headed multiples

If you are seeing a counselor, you'd be spending your money wisely to work on why a successful, single, attractive woman would think twice about seeing someone who made her feel rejected and unattractive. Your automatic first thought should be that he is not worthy. No more nude images unless you are feeling extremely generous, but never again to any person who takes you for granted.

It's impossible to have healthy self-esteem if you are treated the way this asshole treats you, especially when you are being so generous
@41 I've done only a little rowing, but I think the reasons in order of importance are:

1. Almost no one works at that hour, and kids are still in bed, so it's the most likely time that everyone in the boat has free time.

2. Racing shells are shockingly unseaworthy, and wind waves or power-boat wakes make it difficult to row. During fair weather, winds tend to be lightest before the sun heats up the land, and recreational boat traffic is minimal at dawn. You can row through small waves (rowers' "big waves" are kayakers' "what waves?") but it's not as enjoyable when the oar is whacking into the wave tops during the recovery stroke.
Hey, crazy new theory -- maybe he's transitioning FtM, and he reads this column. Just a few weeks ago, people tore into "Marcus" for going down on his gf before disclosing he was trans:…

So maybe they met two weeks before the Disclosing column ran, and then in week 3 he shut down all sex, not even kissing her -- because he read that it would make him an asshole to have sex with her without disclosing first. This particular guy is obviously an asshole either way, sex or no sex, but it just amused me to think of this asshole trying to please the slog commentariat.
Oh, sweetie. The fact that a man will accept free porn from you doesn't mean he's interested in anything else about you.

And are you truly living such a 'no one would care' life that porn videos floating around, tied to your real name, in the one-time possession of a creepy asshole, are not something that could turn into a negative?
@29 Jeebus, who appointed you to the Lifestyle Gestapo?

Let people have their hobbies. Not everyone has to go out twerking or stay up to watch Chris Hardwick's @Midnight.
Every time I hear about someone being stuck in a controlling relationship, I assume it takes longer than a week and not-even-one-date to turn controlling. But wow! Right out of the gates! And clearly the therapist is not very bright. This is an amazing story all around. I don't know if I wouldn't thought it possible if I read it in fiction.
@45 Erica,
I thought he may have found out he had some STD or something like that around week 3 and didn't tell the LW for fear of rejection or because he didn't want to give out the fact he was having sex with other people while he was already "dating" her.
@35, @36: First of all, there's no mention of friends in LW's lonely letter, just the guy she's obsessed with (who, I might add, is being perfectly honest about his ambivalence towards her), and a therapist. Her early hours don't seem to be doing much for her social life.

Second, most human socializing takes place in the evening, whether it's in a bar, restaurant, theater, friend's house, dance floor, concert hall, or in your bed after the kids have gone to sleep. If you never participate in these experiences because you have to be up at the crack of dawn, than I'm sorry, but you are boring and sad. I'm sure there are plenty other boring and sad people you could date - thank god for online dating sites or you'd never meet each other.
@49 or maybe Week 3 is when another relationship got more serious and he is trying to avoid anything that that other woman would consider "cheating," while keeping his options open with the LW in case the more serious relationship doesn't work out. Or just because he enjoys playing mind-games.
@EricaP: Yeah, no. I don't think this is really much of a mystery as the guy is pretty fucking honest about his feelings. Initially, he was hot for LW, but when she glommed onto him so quickly and intensely, he got creeped out and backed off. And it's not because he thinks she's too slutty - if that was it, he'd have fucked and stopped returning her calls. He just doesn't want to be the alpha and the omega of LW's life and has the decency not to take advantage of her for sex. He's also probably a little turned off that she's acting like his social inferior (we are talking about NYC, after all).

Kind of funny that everyone is baffled by the guy's behavior - it seems we all expect a man to go for the sex at every opportunity, and when he doesn't, there's something fundamentally wrong with him. (He has a personality disorder! He doesn't have a penis!)
Nope, in this context he has a serious personality disorder, it's the typical dom who cannot do power and control respectfully like most people have in mind when they envision a Dom.

This asshole dom likes to mind-fuck people, which never involves being honest or transparent. It involves mixed signals like asking her to masturbate for him and other sexual acts, then rejects the real thing in person.

Being honest would entail admitting he is a porn collector, mind-fucker, and a time-waster

and if not, it's just plain shady behavior, either straight up asshole/manipulator or it's likely there is serious lying by omission

honesty and transparency is the least likely scenario, and she could know for sure by asking him a few simply questions to take all the guess work out of the equation
@52 She agreed to meet him for sex - which is when he started acting weird. I don't think it's weird for a straight guy to turn down sex, but it's definitely weird and creepy to ask for a "fuck date" and then shame the girl for agreeing to it. Also, is agreeing to have sex with a guy now considered "glomming onto him quickly and intensely"? If he is indeed creeped out and wants to back off, a decent human being just says, "sorry it's not working," or stops all contact, instead of requesting that she shave her pussy and send him videos and criticizing her for everything.
@50: There is plenty of evening before 10:30. LW simply finds rowing at dawn to be more fulfulling than whatever goes on after that time. And you are being a dick for no reason to people who have different priorities than you.
"and has the decency not to take advantage of her for sex."

It seems really easy and straightforward to me. Their online stuff was intense and great and set a high bar. When he tries to imagine them getting together he can’t imagine being able to deliver. Great ambivalence: he thinks she’s sexy but he thinks actual sex is going to be unpleasant because it will involve failure. So now he has bad feelings when he thinks about this sexy woman and assumes she is the cause of them.

Teal Deer says: he’s worried she’s out of his league.

Yeah, he’s being a dick about it. But I’ve painted myself into that corner more than once and it takes a lot of self-awareness to get out of it gracefully.
Dan! Here in Europe drag Conchita Wurst is winning eurovision! OMG SAY SOMETHING!
@puddles: Glomming on isn't about sex per se.

@EricaP: OK, fair enough.
HLITL, you could have stopped right after Paragraph Two. Suggesting a date, then suggesting that it become a fuck date, and then shaming you for going along with HIS IDEA is a perfectly encapsulated dumping offense right there. What a worthless piece of shit he is.

He says he likes to have "control in the bedroom." I think he likes to have control, period. What he is doing now is fucking with you to see what he can get away with, and how much you are willing to go along with his head games. First he gets you to feel bad about yourself; then he shuts down the sex, presumably to put you more on the defensive and to be trying to get back on his good side (her's a hint: he doesn't actually have a good side) which you are doing with the nude selfies and the shaving your pubes. Once he has you good and trained to accept his bullshit without question and to be desperate for any bone of attention he throws your way, he will have exactly what he wants: control. Of you.

You only have two real life dates invested in this turd. Scrape him off already.
"Yet he was funny, nice to me (except about the fuck date), thought I was really attractive, and had/probably still has a bottomless appetite for nude selfies of me or video of me masturbating, with which I've enthusiastically provided him via Dropbox. He asked me to shave my pubic hair, and I do."

There's pretty much zero chance that these pics and vids are not already online.
I agree most with avast2006.

You should set basic limits to what you'll accept from a potential sex partner.
* Shaming you about anything sexual is an automatic dumping offense, whether a partner's shaming you to get more sex or less sex.
* Not kissing on the lips after a date, when you've asked for it ? It means he's not interested in you. Don't contact him again, and tell him "it's not working" if he's foolish enough to contact you.
* Any guy who doesn't call inside 48 hours after I've given him my phone number is dead to me.

As for the therapist, er, no, there are straigth guys who will turn down a casual fuck date with a 25-yo. But this particular guy is an asshole, he's not interested in you, and he does all this just because he's an asshole and the longer you're letting him do it, the worse it's gonna be for you, so you should cut all contacts now.

And about his endless need for your pictures, read #61 above.
LW here. Thank you everyone for the great advice, it's been really helpful and affirmed the way I was feeling about the situation. I'll send thank you notes tomorrow, but first, I will send hate mail:

@vennominon: You don't know what I look like. Who are you to say I don't deserve Roger Frederer to fuck me? I fucking think I do.

and @seandr: I'm glad you were able to shame your wife out of going to crew, like this douchebag was trying to shame me out of getting my sexual needs met. You're just as much a winner as my abortive boyfriend, but your wife hasn't gone back to the drawing board. Quit apologizing for him and trying to figure out the mystery of what's wrong with HLITL. Hardy Boy.
now the thank you's: @puddles, that is totally what I was thinking about this. No way should this be so difficult.

@Dirtclustit, thx for defending the crew lifestyle for me, it is truly the most BDSM of fancy sports that people will like at the country club. Each race is an act of masochism.

@lucida c. and others, I agree that initial thing about the fuck date was really weird. I included it because I thought it was such a bookend for all of his subsequent behavior.

@avast2006 this advice is all advice gold.

Thank you Dan and everyone who commented!
@wxPDX: you're so right. Another gem from early in my convos with the man of mystery: "Wow, I'm so surprised you can keep up with me intellectually" because I understood orbital physics
@Absurdist1968: I actually do exist and present like an opinionated NYC feminist more than half the time, saying things like "why I oughta" & "forget about it", "fucking fuck you", and other delightful New Yorkish phrases.


A girl's gotta be careful about more than STD's in the digital age. Unfortunately, there are many guys out there like the guy you met. Even if you like to lose control in the bedroom, don't lose control outside the bedroom. I never give out "pics". Even slightly risqué pics can be "photoshopped" into something you might not want out there.

I agree with others that say this guy is a controlling A**hole who isn't worth your time. Let this be a learning lesson. Protect your heart before a friend/lover proves they are worth caring about. You can want to be dominated in the bedroom without letting yourself be controlled outside the bedroom. It's OK to say "No" or "Maybe, someday" depending on the request.

As for the rowing ...
It's a great sport, but you may want to take a break from it sometime to be more social. You could use other sports (running, biking, hiking, tennis, roller-blading, ... ) as cross-training and to meet a new circle of friends, both male and female.

Good luck to you in the future.
Ms Rowing - Well, I contemplated adding (perhaps Novak Djokovic), but I didn't know Serbian forms of address, and didn't want to break my post to look it up.

Do you seriously buy into the concept of anyone "deserving" the sexual attentions or interest of anyone else? I could make a long philosophical post about the difficulties, even accepting such a system, of looks equating to accomplishment, but I'll leave it out. Your letter, which Mr Savage summed up in a way with which I nearly entirely agree, was not the letter one would expect to be written by someone with a sincere conviction of "deserving" someone of superlative achievement.

The sincere belief, though, that something is "wrong" with an opposite-sexer male who would decline a casual boink date with you is a big red flag. There's no such thing as universal appeal, and people can have plenty of reasons besides having something wrong with them to decline to do something even if inclined in favour. Your therapist is promoting your disregard for the agency of others in taking such a line. Whom you do or don't "deserve" is a mere throwaway; being led to think other people aren't entitled to their own standards and preferences is a seriously wrong direction. Dump the therapist.
@rowing@dawn: Thanks for catching up with us in the comments; it's nice to see you're dealing with this okay. Everybody spent time trying to guess what was wrong with him, but that doesn't matter--the only relevant thing wrong with him is that he doesn't treat you the way you want to be treated.
@vennominon, I included the aside from my therapist about straight men and casual sex in my letter precisely BECAUSE I thought it was a weird, sexist, and unfair thing to say about straight men. That was why I was going to get some other opinions before making my choice; I didn't want to be unfair to all the sensitive straight guys (*cough* MRAs) out there who aren't the relentless horndogs my therapist painted them to be. But my problem isn't whether straight men in general think I'm cute enough to fuck (and a lot of them totally do), it's this straight guy: and his reasons for not fucking me aren't sensitive or interesting, they're just screwed up and made me feel bad about myself.

@Anonymous in the City, I agree. Just because I don't think nude pics are a big deal doesn't mean everyone does, and I trusted this asshole way too soon, because I was excited to be dating someone I found attractive/liked a whole lot and who I thought was interested in D/s. It's super useful when you're getting interested in a guy on the internet to send a titillating image or two, so I'm not going to never do it again. But next time I'll use Snapchat or something better copy-protected than Dropbox and not distribute nearly so many.
@SeaOtter: Thanks for the visual of this guy exploding like a super-douche-nova, annihilating the very mass that made him attractive, sending a wave of hard douche radiation across the galaxy before collapsing into a neutron star of intense misogyny and isolation. I'm happy that I had the good sense to ask for advice, since I wasn't trusting my own instinct to GTFO out of this guy's sphere of influence.
@rowingdawn, thanks for jumping in and commenting. I'm glad you seem to be taking this in stride and making the smart choice to run from this asshat. Just a bit of shared wisdom from a straight woman who took a spin on Aff-a single, attractive, sane, intelligent, young woman who is down for sexual adventure does NOT have to put up with the kind of shit this guy rained down upon you. Do yourself a favor and be picky. The good ones will talk to you like a real person (shocking) because they're secure enough to realize there's more than sexual compatability to sort out even in a casual arrangement. Send g-rated pics only unless you're really ok with them making the rounds. Good luck, have fun, be safe.
and finally @seandr: You're a real jerk too, aren't you? Saying I have no friends, that I must be a boring person, that I'm emotionally needy and our Man of Mystery was actually doing ME a favor, not fucking me when that was what I explicitly wanted from him. And you're doing this because crew is one of your "trigger words"? Fuck you!

Plenty of 'human socializing' (my God your vocabulary is creepy too, seandr) takes place at times other than party o' clock, and you know how I know? Because I'm fucking awake and doing shit then. Rowing is a great opportunity to meet people, not that you would know because you're not a rower. You're just a boring, sad guy with nothing better to do than pick apart a letter you read from a rower you'll never meet.
@Jujubee, glad you're still around. You rightly pointed out in a thread awhile back that I had reduced the level of discourse by being personally insulting to you. By the time I got around to reading your comment the thread was dead and rigor mortis was setting in.

So I'm apologizing now. Sorry.
@rowing@dawn: I'm glad you were able to shame your wife out of going to crew

Hardly. It was my stupid idea to begin with ("You should totally start rowing again, babe!"), and she only quit because her back started hurting. Had I left her, it would have taken months for her to notice because CREW!

Crew is a horrible, evil sport that tears through lives and leaves nothing but scattered heaps of devastation, chaos, and lament in its wake.
@rowing@dawn You seem kind of awesome.
@seandr, wow, someone's got a chip on their shoulder.
@70: My wife points out another perfectly plausible hypothesis, the exact opposite of mine. Not that he is the consummate control freak who is taking over the inside of your head, but that he is a complete poseur who is backpedaling furiously because he doesn't know what to do with your enthusiasm. The nude selfies would be more comfortable because they resemble the porn he is used to getting off with: no actual person on the other end of the conversation. The more you express interest in moving forward, the harder he gets pressed up against the rocks of his own performance anxiety, which he then projects onto you as being "unattractive" because it changes his emotions from attraction into fear.

Whichever it is (and it doesn't really matter which), I am willing to give the therapist a pass on the hypothesis that it was a poorly worded attempt to say that whatever is going on, this is so not about you, your characteristics, or your issues.

"I didn't want to be unfair to all the sensitive straight guys (*cough* MRAs) out there"

Well, now you _are_ beginning to dig that hole.
All grist for the mill of sharing, eh?
A couple of qu from a woman of mature yrs. what is it with women shaving their pubic hair off( along with leg hair, armpit hair)?
Men these days need their women looking like little girls?
And why send vids of oneself masturbating, surely enough porn online to cover any mans desire for same.
Has feminism freaked men out so much over the last 40 yrs, women finding their sexual power, that they need to debase and humiliate?
Ms Rowing - Good for you, then. And, just to clarify, I would have a hard time deciding whether or not Maria Sharapova "deserved" Roger; being a hard grader about tennis who would probably have kept Arantxa Sanchez Vicario out of the Hall of Fame, I'd probably have decided against.
@64 "it is truly the most BDSM of fancy sports that people will like at the country club. Each race is an act of masochism. "

-I learned recently that BDSM is not about pain or using restraints etc, but about roleplaying sexual ownership. A group of commands is agreed to be given by the dom and followed by the sub at some time or in some setting. It's more like a coach going through drills than just pain. Without this element, sex is not BDSM (vanilla?). Even hot wax play tied upside down is just called topping and bottoming, not D/s without the role play.

You seem to be into taking sexual commands, but do you exercise the necessary communication skills to negotiate where, when and what group of commands you want? Not that I think it would help with this guy.

Maybe he is more into control than sex, or maybe he's inept or anatomically clueless, or maybe he can't get it up or is STD contagious or was not born with a penis or maybe he's just not into you. Penis problems; mouth says yes, penis says no. Any way you look at it, the PiV is gonna suck. Even if he's into control; great bedroom game is the trump card and he'd use it if he had it.
@75: "Crew is a horrible, evil sport that tears through lives and leaves nothing but scattered heaps of devastation, chaos, and lament in its wake."

Sounds like Crossfit!
@81 Haha, BDSM is not about pain? I don't know where you get your information, but for some people it is solely about pain, hence the s&m part of the acronym. For everyone it's a different combination of its elements, and "roleplaying sexual ownership" is just one of the ways.
@83 Take it up with EricaP. I thought the same way but it's not subbing unless you are obeying an order to do it. IIRC she has a few years in the organized BDSM scene.
@81, sorry if I confused you about this, but, yes, puddles is right.

BDSM is shorthand for bondage and discipline; sadism and masochism; and dominance and submission -- what Wikipedia calls a "compound initialism." If you like just one piece (getting tied up, say), then you can say you're into bondage to be specific, or BDSM if you're not feeling like being specific. There's no rule that says you have to take the whole package -- it's just a way of building community among people who like different bits.

Just as the LGBT acronym pulls people together to make common cause, so too the term BDSM pulls together people who enjoy some aspects of BDSM, to make common cause with people who are more into other aspects.
@63: You don't know what I look like. Who are you to say I don't deserve Roger Frederer to fuck me? I fucking think I do.
I don't care if you're Christina Hendricks' double, you don't "deserve" the fucking of anyone. They actually get a say in deciding how attractive you are and whether you seem worth the effort. (Which even for casual sex, is not strictly based on physical form. Personality matters, though less than it does for convincing someone to want to date you.)

@70: If your therapist claims all non-psychotic straight men are horndogs incapable of turning down an offer of sex from any vaguely attractive female, I'll sign on with the advice that you dump the therapist. That's just silly. (I will admit that "any guy who doesn't want to fuck you is an MRA who hates women" is a spin on "any guy who doesn't want to fuck you is gay." Just not an improvement.)

I think Mrs. Avast @78 is onto something with performance anxiety. Rower was supposed to be in awe of his dominant side, not delighted to test drive that baby right now.

I went off the market before the internet was A Thing, but I believe the advice to exchange a couple of e-mails, then meet for coffee, is dead-on. Extended electronic foreplay seems to be a marker for one person expecting the in-person meeting to lead to disappointment. Or just be more effort than thinking up texts with dirty emoticons.
@84, for some people, masochism isn't about sex. She didn't say she was subbing, just that rowing was masochistic. I can pinch myself to deliver longed-for pain, without any sexual scene going on.
Oh, and the desire for pain (or bondage) can also be sexual without involving the D/s aspect. So if B (bottom) asks T (top) to spank him or tie him up, and T does so to please B, rather than because T controls B, that's still BDSM (because of the masochism / bondage) but it's not D/s, because no one is dominating or submitting - they're equals.
He's really into d/s and he is making you play a part in it - you just don't know it yet.

Seriously, you list each item as if it was all one big puzzle when EVERY DAMN ITEM was enough to run away from. I thought this letter was a fake because there are utterly batshit people the world that could see this forest for the trees. Up the therapy to 3x a week and try to find your self-esteem before you get stuck with someone even worse. Love and sex don't hurt, unless you want it to. :)
I thought a dom/sub was required for a BDSM scene. My mistake. So I can say I'm into BDSM, but not a domme or sub since I just like the physical stuff.. I'm a top and bottom. It's all upside down, charming and strange!

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