
The position I take is neither popular or unpopular. To say I don't care is not an expression of apathy.
A large number of typing monkeys will eventually type Shakespeare, but it doesn't mean you have to kiss one, (unless... you really want to) (see also Rand Paul's occasional accidental progressive views on international bellicosity)
co-opt the inevitable & make sure it stays <$10/hr.
I'm hoping that this doesn't cause a knee-jerk reaction in the Left, to reject it on the grounds that somebody on the Right thinks it's a good idea. I'm thrilled for bipartisan support, even if I dislike the source.
@4 I think it's closer to what Max @3 wrote. The GOP strategists, at least, are probably seeing the writing on the wall for this issue. A federal minimum wage increase would be extremely popular, and to outright oppose any kind of increase would pound some big nails into the GOP coffin.

Better to be a part of the push and claim some credit than let all the credit go to the other side.
Never be reflexively against anything that your opponent is for. Some things shouldn't be controversial.
They want to pretend they're for it before they fill it full of exemptions and gut the enforcement money
Santorum doesn't exclusively hobnob with rich white men, so the times he rubs shoulders with poor white men can cause him to speak sense.
Let's remember that the GOP is a house divided between the Kochsuckers and the teabaggers (Old Money v. Populism).
Santorum has long been aligned with the populist side of modern conservatism, so his support of the minimum wage increase shouldn't be a total surprise.
Honestly, Roman Catholicism has always, in my view, been a poor fit within conservatism. Sure, they're anti-abortion and anti-contraception, but they're remarkably socialist (not that they'd call it that). Pre-Roe, Catholics were a pretty solid Democratic bloc. If we can ally with them on anti-poverty measures, we should.

Push the mofos to do what is right and equitable!
We're 2.5 years out from the election, and teabaggers have the collective memory of a goldfish. This is not a daring move on the part of Frothy Mix.

And as stated above, never underestimate the cynical nature of the GOP to dive in front of a microphone to reverse their previous position and take credit for something the moment it becomes politically expedient.

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