
I was just wondering whatever happened to her yesterday.
She is so awesome. And while I don't like this record quite as much as I loved her last masterpiece, 'The Cherry Thing,' it is still better than almost everything else ever. When is she coming to Seattle?!?
@2 The Cherry Thing is so underrated. Even if it wasn't a "proper" solo album, I kinda dig it more, too. For whatever reason, Cherry has always kept her Stateside appearances to a minimum, though she will be playing this year's Pitchfork Music Festival.
Rip Rig and Panic's "God."…

Neenah was 17.
Yeah, it's been a while since I've heard Neneh. You threw when you wrote Neneh is "Swedish-Searra Leonean", as she is the daughter of Don Cherry, the American-born jazz trumpeter. However, she is the stepdaughter of the late Don Cherry. He's a great musician in his own right. I don't know much about the percussionist and Serra Leonean father, Ahmadu Jah.
@5 Her mother took his name, so people assume they're related (Eagle-Eye Cherry is his birth son). I get the impression that she was closer to him than her birth father. I mentioned Sierra Leone because the Cherry connection also implies that she's part American (to add to the confusion, she lived in London for years).
@4: Rip, Rig & Panic is the first thing I think of when I see "Neneh Cherry." My favorite band of the 80s.
Also: great video, great music.
God I've missed her.
@7 Same here. I'm not crazy about Raw Like Sushi, even if it made her rep in the US. I prefer her pre-solo stuff and more recent material. Still need to catch up with Float Up CP at some point.

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