
In the Tea party/Rand Paul/Ted Cruz era of republicans, its impossibly hard to see a difference between casual white nationalist/supremacists and the modern GOP.

The party is entirely fueled by racism, xenophobia, identity politics and good amounts of sexism and homophobia. Sure, there are nonwhite republicans, female republicans and even gay republican, but the party is a political organization FOR white, straight, christian men. Anyone can join, so long as they adhere to the caste system the Republicans propagate.]

What worst, is that as the GOP has moved clearly into the fringe right, the democrats (with Obama at the helm) have moved squarely into the center right, and become the ideological equivolent of 1980s reaganite republicans.
"white people alone can't control the outcome of an election"

I think you need to show your work or start qualifying the WTF out of your assertion here, Paul; it may be increasingly difficult for white people to control the outcome of a presidential election, but I think you're selling entrenched interests extremely short, especially in off-years or gerrymandered districts.
This won't help presidential elections but it may help congressional and senate elections where an overwhelmingly white vote can win. With the House and possibly the Senate controlled by Rs for the next 2-8 years it can severely slow/stop any positive change.
The rest of us are annoyed that the Republicans are stealing their ideas, too.
So has it ever been with dog whistle politics.
White nationalists and republicans aren't the same people?

Let's invade Mexico like Putin would and turn them all into US citizens!


If a majority of Mexicans identified as Americans and voted to join America, then your analogy would be correct.

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