News Apr 6, 2014 at 9:51 am


The trouble with executive orders is that they can be rescinded by a future president on a January 20th before the inauguration parade is over.
Which is a good thing, actually, regardless of the executive order. We are not a monarchy.
@2 run along to your Bund meeting.
Boeing doesn't build airports, generally. I think you'll find it's going to be selling airplane parts, instead.
Startlingly average models goes in with the lifestyle of 150 sq. apodments, transit-only travel, and no-meat dining. They can't feed us any more. The first step is taking everything away, gradually.
That Sounders v Timbers game was INSANE! If Oba had hit that last redirect.... oh man... I'd have had a real heart attack

David Letterman retiring...

Here's why that's important.

Before YouTube, there was David Letterman. Right now, there are one hundred thousand guys in baseball caps, showing funny animal tricks, sitting at desks talking to the audience, setting up pranks, and posing as phony something-or-other so hapless city folk can fall into their joke.

But Letterman did all of that, by himself, during the mid-80s. Did people do that before Letterman? Yes. Maybe even ones you know, or are acquainted with. But Letterman put it on the TV four nights a week.

For a time, after college, the only thing I wanted to do was rush home to watch Late Night. Why? Because it had that nothing-matters zaniness of college...before relationships set in, and people expect you to make money or be's all just sitting around watching TV and making fun of people. That's what Dave offered.

Today, there are so many, many Daves. But back then. There was Letterman.
Before Supreme Ruler of the Universe, there was just plain old John Bailo. Neither ever really mattered, but it looks like they'll outlast Letterman. (le sigh)

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