
That stall graffiti would make a great album cover.
Meh, I'm going to give it a few weeks, after all the lookeeloos have had their time and the bathroom graffiti returns to something approaching an acceptible level before venturing in. By then some of that old Comet ambience should slowly start coming back.

Although yeah, puke-slicked floors will not be missed...
Why are you photographing a bathroom stall?

I'm from the Stranger.

I can verify that the hammer& sickle graffiti was there by 5:00, along with the word "nasty" scratched into the wall. This is why we can't have nice things.
Ironically, the post just before this one is about taxidermy.

That's what we have here in the "new" "improved" "Comet" - a taxidermied version of what was once a real live bar.

Hang on to your real bars, folks, show 'em the love!! Which means money - go drinkin', go see shows, tip yr bartenders and wait people! Appreciate those real bars while you've still got them - LET WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COMET BE A CAUTIONARY TALE.
Meh. Times change, neighborhoods change, life goes on. I had some marvelous times at The Comet during my long-ago youth, but I hadn't set foot in there for probably twenty years. It's nice to know it's adapting with the times. Better a taxidermy version than nothing.
The men's room was being thoroughly tagged over Sunday night during the Comet/Lost Lake/Big Mario's staff party. With any luck, someone will put a couple holes in the walls with their fists by this time next week.

Speaking of the men's room...they kept the trough. Why the hell would they do that?
The sooner people realize they can never go home again, the happier they will be.

@7 Pee shy?

I don't consider urinating to be a social activity, but that's regardless to the point that if they're going to spend all this money revamping the bar, it all seems for naught when they don't replace the most disgusting part.
is that pretty typical for ladies' room graffiti? i'd have expected limericks.
Ugh. The idea that a person would be interested in even this new nominal "Comet Tavern" without having at least an understanding of why someone would take a bathroom pic is pretty much exactly it: I understand it is in our nature to borrow/appropriate/resell, but this is the wrong money. Blood money. Jaeger money.

I feel like it has ramped up very quickly, this decontextualization of Capitol Hill. Definitely over.

I went in for a beer. It was okay until the people started pouring in. Rather than a resident of a neighborhood, I feel more and more like a prop in a theme park.
What's the matter with a urinal trough?

You know, I'm old enough to remember when Capitol Hill was kind of boring. Broadway was known for restaurants and furniture stores. Pike Pine was dead at night. All the fun gay stuff was down in Belltown and Pioneer Square.
There's still a couple of scuzzy places left, and I love them! I agree with "MERRY", support the scuzzy places by visiting often and tip well. Keep our loud rock clubs alive!!!
I miss The Comet, vomit and all!

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